About the Author
Bill Aronson is a business coach with global coaching firm Shirlaws (www.Shirlaws.com.au). He lives with his wife and daughter in Tasmania, Australia, one of the most beautiful places on earth. His job is to help businesses gain clarity. He helps them increase revenue, get more time, and reduce stress.
Bill has been coaching, mentoring, training, and teaching for more than 35 years. Using modern technology, he works remotely with clients around the world.
Bill is recognized as a global expert on ProVision® and has written a number of technical books for users that have been published by www.Lulu.com.
Bill is the founder of www.EnterpriseDesigner.com, whose mission is to show organizations how to design their businesses to make better decisions now.
Bill is also the author of www.TurningUpForLife.com, his contribution to making the planet a little bit of a better place to live.