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WS-BPEL 2.0 Beginner's Guide

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WS-BPEL 2.0 Beginner's Guide

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (19 chapters)
WS-BPEL 2.0 Beginner's Guide
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Time for action – initializing the input variable within a <forEach> activity

Carry out the following steps:

  1. Create an <assign> activity within the <forEach> activity:

  2. Map the string values to initialize the input variable of the <invoke> activity:

What just happened?

In the preceding section, we focused on preparing the input variable of the <invoke> activity. We first initialized the input variable named Invoke_search_web_service_search_InputVariable and assigned the keyword value from the client of the BPEL process. In the next section, we explain how to invoke different service endpoints using the same <invoke> activity.