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CompTIA PenTest+ Study Guide

By : Mike Chapple, David Seidl
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CompTIA PenTest+ Study Guide

By: Mike Chapple, David Seidl

Overview of this book

The CompTIA PenTest+ Study Guide: Exam PT0-001 offers comprehensive preparation for the newest intermediate cybersecurity certification exam. With expert coverage of Exam PT0-001 objectives, this book is your ideal companion throughout all stages of study; whether you’re just embarking on your certification journey or finalizing preparations for the big day, this invaluable resource helps you solidify your understanding of essential skills and concepts. The book shows how to perform security assessments on desktops, mobile devices, cloud, IoT, as well as industrial and embedded systems. You'll learn how to identify security weaknesses and manage system vulnerabilities. As you progress, you'll learn methods to ensure that existing cybersecurity practices, configurations, and policies conform with current best practices. You'll assess your knowledge by simulating cyber attacks to pinpoint security weaknesses in operating systems, networks, and applications. By the end of the book, you'll have all the resources you need to prepare for the exam - identify what you already know, learn what you don’t know, and face the exam with full confidence.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
Free Chapter
About the Authors
Assessment Test
Answers to Assessment Test
End User License Agreement

Exploiting Authentication Vulnerabilities

Applications, like servers and networks, rely upon authentication mechanisms to confirm the identity of users and devices and verify that they are authorized to perform specific actions. Attackers and penetration testers alike often seek to undermine the security of those authentication systems because, if they are able to do so, they may gain illegitimate access to systems, services, and information protected by that authentication infrastructure.

Password Authentication

Passwords are the most common form of authentication in use today, but unfortunately, they are also the most easily defeated. The reason for this is that passwords are a knowledge-based authentication technique. An attacker who learns a user’s password may then impersonate the user from that point forward until the password expires or is changed.

There are many ways that an attacker may learn a user’s password, ranging from technical to social. Here are just a...