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Practical Windows Forensics

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Practical Windows Forensics

Overview of this book

Over the last few years, the wave of the cybercrime has risen rapidly. We have witnessed many major attacks on the governmental, military, financial, and media sectors. Tracking all these attacks and crimes requires a deep understanding of operating system operations, how to extract evident data from digital evidence, and the best usage of the digital forensic tools and techniques. Regardless of your level of experience in the field of information security in general, this book will fully introduce you to digital forensics. It will provide you with the knowledge needed to assemble different types of evidence effectively, and walk you through the various stages of the analysis process. We start by discussing the principles of the digital forensics process and move on to show you the approaches that are used to conduct analysis. We will then study various tools to perform live analysis, and go through different techniques to analyze volatile and non-volatile data.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Practical Windows Forensics
About the Authors
About the Reviewers


Regardless of your level of experience in the field of information security in general, Practical Windows Forensics will fully introduce you to digital forensics. It will provide you with the knowledge needed to assemble different types of evidence properly, and walk you through the various stages of the analysis process.

We start by discussing the principles of the digital forensics process and move on to learning about the approaches that are used to conduct analysis. We will then study various tools to perform live analysis, and go through different techniques to analyze volatile and nonvolatile data. This will be followed by recovering data from hard drives and learning how to use multiple tools to perform registry and system log analyses.

Next, you will be taught how to analyze browsers and e-mails as they are crucial aspects of investigations. We will then go on to extract data from a computer's memory and investigate network traffic, which is another important checkpoint. Lastly, you will learn a few ways in which you can present data, because every investigator needs a work station where they can analyze forensic data.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, The Foundations and Principles of Digital Forensics, explains the importance of the principles of the digital forensics process and the approaches that are usually used to conduct an analysis.

Chapter 2, Incident Response and Live Analysis, discusses the hardware and software that the responder should have to perform incident response properly. Incident response is a very important process that needs to be conducted carefully to properly collect all the available evidence, which will be analyzed in the analysis phase.

Chapter 3, Volatile Data Collection, discusses how to collect the volatile data of the system. Volatile data, such as system memory, is very important and can tell what is happening in the system in the running time. So, to conduct post mortem analysis on this kind of evidence, we need to acquire the evidence first. Also, it changes very quickly, and collecting it in the right way is a very important issue.

Chapter 4, Nonvolatile Data Acquisition, talks about the acquisition of nonvolatile data, such as the hard drive, and how to collect such data forensically in order to not change the integrity of this evidence.

Chapter 5, Timeline, discusses Timeline, which shows all the system and user activities on the system in chronological order. It helps building the whole picture of the incident. And we will show you how to do it with the plaso framework.

Chapter 6, Filesytem Analysis and Data Recovery, gives you a good understanding of the most famous file systems. To perfectly understand how the tools work, either for analysis or recovery, the reader needs to understand how the files are stored in the file system in the partitioned hard drive.

Chapter 7, Registry Analysis, discusses the structure of the registry and some tools used to perform analyses. When MS Windows operates, almost all actions are mapped in the registry. The registry files are considered the Windows database. Registry forensics can help answer a lot of issues, from what kind of application has been installed on the system to user activities, and many more.

Chapter 8, Event Log Analysis, explains that the MS Windows system has good features out of the box, we just need to know how to use them. One of these features is logging. Logging can help to figure out what has happened on the system. It logs all the events on the system including security events or other events related to the applications within the system.

Chapter 9, Windows Files, tell us that MS Windows has a lot of artifacts, which are created in the currently running Windows. During analysis, these artifacts can be used to prove or refute hypotheses, or in some cases uncover new interesting information with evidential value.

Chapter 10, Browser and E-mail Investigation, talks about the Internet, and the World Wide Web of course, is the main channel of information that users use to exchange data. Browsers are the most common tools that are used to do that. So, the investigation of browsers is important when analysts try to investigate user’s activity. There are a lot of browsers and we will cover the most popular among them: IE, FF, and Chrome.

E-mail still remains a way to communicate with people in the computer world, especially in a corporate environment. This chapter will cover e-mail formats and explain how to read e-mails from PFF files for analysis and to trace senders.

Chapter 11, Memory Forensics, discusses how memory is the working space for the operating system. It the past, memory forensics was optional, but now there are a few very powerful tools that allow us to extract a lot of evidential information from the memory and take digital forensics to a new level.

Chapter 12, Network Forensics, discusses how network forensics provides another perspective to the incident. Network traffic can reveal a lot of information about the behavior of malicious activity. Together with other sources of information, networks will speed up the investigation process. You will also learn not only about the traditional tools, such as Wireshark, but also about the powerful Bro framework.

Appendix A, Building a Forensic Analysis Environment, discusses the creation of convenient work environment to conduct the digital forensics analysis in the digital forensics lab at an enterprise scale. After the previous chapters we should now have realized how important incident response is for digital forensics processes and how necessary it is to deal with both of them accurately.

Appendix B, Case Study, uses an infected machine to illustrate how to conduct primary analysis on different types of evidences and we will go through live analysis along with the post-mortem analysis.

What you need for this book

There are no special requirements for this book.

Who this book is for

If you have previous experience in information security or did some digital forensic analysis before and want to extend your skill set about digital forensics this is the perfect guide for you. This book will provide you with the knowledge and core skills necessary to use free and open source tools mostly under Linux operating system and undertake forensic analysis of digital evidence with them.


In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: "In the destination machine, which is the handler machine, you need to run the network listener from the same receiver.exe folder."

Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

dd conv=sync, noerror bs=64K if=/dev/sda | pv | dd

New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, for example, in menus or dialog boxes, appear in the text like this: "Now from the source machine, run the FTK Lite program, and then open Create Disk image from File."


Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


Tips and tricks appear like this.

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