Installing utilities on iDevice
To perform iOS app pentesting, we require many utilities. You may have to add the latest repositories in Cydia sources in order to install the mentioned utilities. You can simply search required repositories online and add them in sources. In this section, we will set up most required utilities.
Therefore, we will need to search these utilities on Cydia and then use options such as Install. We need to install the following utilities:
- Erica Utilities: It's a collection of command-line utilities, such as plutil, appSearch, and so on.
You can install Erica Utilities by performing the following step. Search for
Erica Utilities
in Cydia and then use the Install option, as shown in the following screenshot:You can use same technique to install almost all the other utilities. You may have to update source list by referring to the Adding sources to Cydia section in order to install all the required utilities.
- class-dump-z: In iOS app pentesting, it's important...