Data backup acquisition
The one way we studied is forensic examination using physical acquisition and the other way is to perform forensic examination on data backups. This method is very feasible when a device is not accessible. The Apple mobile users have the option to keep a complete backup of the device on a computer or iCloud using iTunes. The user can also specify what to include in backups.
The computer on which the iPhone backups are synced will contain a wealth of information about the user's device. Therefore, a search warrant can be obtained to seize a computer on which the data backups are kept.
When you connect your iPhone to the computer, iTunes starts by default and initiates the synchronization process as follows:
If you want to disable the automatic synchronization process in order to avoid any unintended data exchange, you can disable it from the iTunes Preferences option before connecting device.
Follow the steps to disable the auto sync option in iTunes:
Navigate to iTunes...