Post-exploitation with Armitage
Armitage makes post-exploitation as easy as clicking on a button. In order to execute post-exploitation modules, right-click on the exploited host and choose Meterpreter as follows:
Choosing Meterpreter will present all the post-exploitation modules in sections. If we want to elevate privileges or gain system-level access, we will navigate to the Access sub-menu and click on the appropriate button depending upon our requirements.
The Interact submenu will provide options for getting a command prompt, another meterpreter, and so on. The Explore submenu will provide options such as Browse Files, Show Processes, Log Keystrokes, Screenshot, Webcam Shot, and Post Modules, which are used to launch other post-exploitation modules that are not present in this sub-menu. This is shown in the following screenshot:
Let's run a simple post-exploitation module by clicking on Browse Files, as shown in the following screenshot:
We can easily upload, download, and view any...