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Mastering Metasploit. - Second Edition

By : Nipun Jaswal
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Mastering Metasploit. - Second Edition

By: Nipun Jaswal

Overview of this book

Metasploit is a popular penetration testing framework that has one of the largest exploit databases around. This book will show you exactly how to prepare yourself against the attacks you will face every day by simulating real-world possibilities. We start by reminding you about the basic functionalities of Metasploit and its use in the most traditional ways. You’ll get to know about the basics of programming Metasploit modules as a refresher, and then dive into carrying out exploitation as well building and porting exploits of various kinds in Metasploit. In the next section, you’ll develop the ability to perform testing on various services such as SCADA, databases, IoT, mobile, tablets, and many more services. After this training, we jump into real-world sophisticated scenarios where performing penetration tests are a challenge. With real-life case studies, we take you on a journey through client-side attacks using Metasploit and various scripts built on the Metasploit framework. By the end of the book, you will be trained specifically on time-saving techniques using Metasploit.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Mastering Metasploit
About the Author
About the Reviewer

Chapter 8. Metasploit Extended

"Don't be afraid to steal, just steal the right stuff" - Mike Monteiro

This chapter will feature extended features and hardcore post exploitation. Throughout this chapter, we will focus on out-of-the-box approaches for post exploitation and will cover tedious tasks such as privilege escalation, getting passwords in clear text, finding juicy information, and much more.

During the course of this chapter, we will cover and understand the following key aspects:

  • Performing basic post exploitation

  • Using advanced post exploitation modules

  • Carrying out operations covertly

  • Privilege escalation

  • Finding passwords from the memory

Let's now jump into the post exploitation features of Metasploit and start with the basics in the next section.