Flow control structures
Some classic control structures are implemented in Lua, such as the if-then conditional statements, a few different loop types, and the break and continue functions. Let’s review those structures briefly.
Conditional statements - if, then, elseif
The if-then conditional statement evaluates an expression and executes a block of code if true:
if status.body then --Do something end
Lua also supports an else-if conditional statement with the keyword elseif
if status.body then --Do something elseif --Do something else end
If-then statements must end with the terminator keyword end
Loops - while
The while loop works similarly in other programming languages:
local x = 1 while(x<1337) print x x = x + 1 end
While loops must end with the terminator keyword end
Loops - repeat
The repeat loop runs the body until the set condition becomes true:
done = false repeat --Do something until done
Loops - for
There are two...