Analyzing various file types also uses the same concept as reversing. In this chapter, we learned about the scripting language that the file format is using. We could gather additional information if we were also inclined to understand the file's header and structure. We also learned that as long as executable code can be embedded into a file, there is a way to analyze it. It may not be dynamically analyzed easily, but at least static analysis can be performed.
We tackled how to debug JavaScript that is embedded in HTML scripts. Virtually, we can analyze any website we visit. We also learned about the tools that we can use to extract macro code in Microsoft Office documents. It also happens that we can debug this macro code using the VBA Editor. We also looked at a variety of tools that we can use to extract JavaScript from a PDF file. Then we analyzed an SWF file using JPEXS, a powerful tool that has a disassembler, decompiler, and debugger.
Reversing engineering software is a concept...