Binary numbers
Computers were designed to electronically process and store data using signals. A signal is like an on/off switch, where both the "on" and "off" positions can be denoted by the numbers "1" and "0" respectively. These two numbers are what we call binary numbers. The next section will discuss how binary numbers are used and how this relates to other number bases.
The place value of a digit in a number determines its value at that position. In the standard decimal numbers, the value of a place is ten times the value of the place on its right. The decimal number system is also called base-10, which is composed of digits from 0 to 9.
Let's say that position 1 is at the right-most digit of the whole number, as follows:
2018 Place value at position 1 is 1 multiplied by 8 represents 8. Place value at position 2 is 10 multiplied by 1 represents 10. Place value at position 3 is 100 multiplied by 0 represents 0. Place value at position 4 is 1000 multiplied by 2 represents 2000.