Assembly language is a low-level language that uses instructions to communicate directly with the computer system. Logic used in computers is based on an on-and-off concept, from which binary 1s and 0s were derived. We have learned how to read and write binary from various number bases, and how to do arithmetic and bitwise computations.
We introduced popular assemblers and debuggers that we can use to build and validate our program. Then, we used FASM to code and build our Win32 low-level hello world program that uses APIs to communicate with the kernel. We validated our built executable program using x64dbg
to debug it. Debugging our hello world program is a good start for us to get introduced to the world of reverse engineering.
Practice makes perfect. We have a listed a few suggested programs that can be developed using assembly language.
Knowing the lowest level of a code is a good start for our reverse engineering journey. As you finish up this book, assembly language will feel...