- addition operation / Addition and subtraction
- analysis summary / Analysis summary
- anti-debugging tricks
- about / Anti-debugging tricks
- IsDebuggerPresent / IsDebuggerPresent
- flags, debugging in PEB / Debug flags in the PEB
- information, debugging from NtQueryInformationProcess / Debugger information from NtQueryInformationProcess
- timing tricks / Timing tricks
- code execution, passing via SEH / Passing code execution via SEH
- anti-dumping tricks / Anti-dumping tricks
- anti-emulation tricks / Anti-emulation tricks
- anti-VM tricks
- about / Anti-VM tricks
- VM running process names / VM running process names
- existence of VM files/directories / Existence of VM files and directories
- default MAC address / Default MAC address
- registry entries made by VMs / Registry entries made by VMs
- VM devices / VM devices
- CPUID results / CPUID results
- API Monitor / Monitoring tools
- APIs
- calling / Calling APIs
- Windows API libraries / Common Windows API libraries
- functions / Short list of common API functions
- learning / Learning about the APIs
- keylogger / Keylogger
- regenum / regenum
- server / The server
- Application Program Interface (API) / Disassemblers
- arithmetic operations
- about / Arithmetic operations
- addition / Addition and subtraction
- subtraction / Addition and subtraction
- decrement instruction / Increment and decrement instructions
- increment instruction / Increment and decrement instructions
- division instruction / Multiplication and division instructions
- multiplication instruction / Multiplication and division instructions
- signed operations / Other signed operations
- ARM-compiled executables
- analyzing / Analysis in unfamiliar environments
- assemblers
- about / Popular assemblers
- assessment
- ideas / Assessment and static analysis
- file types / File types and header analysis
- header analysis / File types and header analysis
- attack tools
- about / Attack tools
- Metasploit / Attack tools
- ExploitPack / Attack tools
- automated analysis
- tools / Dynamic analysis
- automated dynamic analysis
- about / Automated dynamic analysis
- Cuckoo / Automated dynamic analysis
- ThreatAnalyzer / Automated dynamic analysis
- Joe Sandbox / Automated dynamic analysis
- Buster Sandbox Analyzer (BSA) / Automated dynamic analysis
- Regshot / Automated dynamic analysis
- automation tools
- about / Automation tools
- Python / Automation tools
- Yara / Automation tools
- Visual Studio / Automation tools
- autoruns / Autoruns
- bases
- about / Bases
- converting between / Converting between bases
- basic analysis lab setup / Basic analysis lab setup, Our setup
- basic instructions
- about / Basic instructions
- opcode bytes / Opcode bytes
- data, copying / Copying data
- arithmetic operations / Arithmetic operations
- bitwise algebra / Bitwise algebra
- control flow / Control flow
- stack manipulation / Stack manipulation
- about / Disassemblers
- reference / Disassemblers
- binary analysis tools / Binary analysis tools
- binary arithmetic / Binary arithmetic
- binary numbers
- about / Binary numbers
- bases / Bases
- signed numbers / Signed numbers
- bintext
- reference / Try it yourself
- BinText / Strings
- bitwise algebra
- about / Bitwise algebra
- NOT / Bitwise algebra
- AND / Bitwise algebra
- OR / Bitwise algebra
- XOR / Bitwise algebra
- SHL/SAL / Bitwise algebra
- SHR/SAR / Bitwise algebra
- ROL / Bitwise algebra
- ROR / Bitwise algebra
- Bless / Editing tools
- Bochs
- about / Emulators
- MBR debugging / MBR debugging with Bochs
- Buster Sandbox Analyzer (BSA) / Automated dynamic analysis
- Capstone
- about / Disassemblers
- reference / Disassemblers
- CaptureBAT / Monitoring tools
- CFF Explorer
- about / File type information
- download link / Static analysis
- code assembly / Code assembly
- Complex Instruction Set Computing (CISC) / Emulation
- compressors / Packers or compressors
- control flow / Control flow
- CPU architectures / Emulation
- reference / CPUID results
- crypters / Crypters
- Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) / Encrypting and decrypting a file
- Cuckoo / Dynamic analysis, Automated dynamic analysis
- Cyberchef / Other file-types
- data assembly
- on stack / Data assembly on the stack
- in memory regions / Assembly of data in other memory regions
- deadlisting / Deadlisting
- debuggers
- about / Debuggers, Debuggers
- x86dbg / Debuggers
- IDA Pro / Debuggers
- OllyDebug / Debuggers
- Immunity Debugger / Debuggers
- Windbg / Debuggers
- GDB / Debuggers
- Radare / Debuggers
- debugging
- about / Debugging, Debugging
- unknown image / The unknown image
- analysis summary / Analysis summary
- decompilers
- about / Decompilers, Decompilers, Decompilers
- ILSpy / ILSpy – C# Decompiler
- Snowman / Decompilers
- Hex-Rays / Decompilers
- dotPeek / Decompilers
- iLSpy / Decompilers
- decrement instruction / Increment and decrement instructions
- default command-line tools
- strings / Default command-line tools
- md5sum / Default command-line tools
- file / Default command-line tools
- Detect-it-Easy (DiE) / File type information
- disassemblers
- about / Disassemblers, Disassemblers
- IDA Pro / Disassemblers
- Radare / Disassemblers
- Capstone / Disassemblers
- Hopper / Disassemblers
- BEYE / Disassemblers
- HIEW / Disassemblers
- disk filesystems / The filesystem
- division instruction / Multiplication and division instructions
- dlroW olleH
- about / dlroW olleH
- information / What have we gathered so far?
- dynamic analysis / Dynamic analysis
- debugging / Going further with debugging
- dotPeek
- reference / Decompilers
- about / Decompilers
- dynamic analysis
- about / Dynamic analysis
- memory regions / Memory regions and the mapping of a process
- mapping process / Memory regions and the mapping of a process
- memory process / Memory regions and the mapping of a process
- process monitoring / Process and thread monitoring
- thread monitoring / Process and thread monitoring
- network traffic / Network traffic
- system changes, monitoring / Monitoring system changes
- post-execution differences / Post-execution differences
- debugging / Debugging
- editing tools
- about / Editing tools
- HxD Hex Editor / Editing tools
- Bless / Editing tools
- Notepad++ / Editing tools
- BEYE / Editing tools
- HIEW / Editing tools
- emulation
- about / Emulation
- of Windows, under x86 host / Emulation of Windows and Linux under an x86 host
- of Linux, under x86 host / Emulation of Windows and Linux under an x86 host
- emulators
- about / Emulators
- QEMU / Emulators
- Bochs / Emulators
- encrypted data identification
- about / Encrypted data identification
- loop codes / Loop codes
- simple arithmetic / Simple arithmetic
- simple XOR decryption / Simple XOR decryption
- environment setup, for tools
- virtual machines / Virtual machines
- Windows / Windows
- Linux / Linux
- errors
- dealing with / Dealing with common errors when building
- exceptions / Causing exceptions
- executable
- in unpacked state / How about an executable in its unpacked state?
- executable files / Packers, crypters, obfuscators, protectors and SFX
- ExifTool / File type information
- ExploitPack
- about / Attack tools
- reference / Attack tools
- Falcon Sandbox / Online service sites
- about / FASM
- download link / FASM
- installing / Installation of FASM
- working / It works!
- file
- information, extracting from / Extracting useful information from file
- about / file
- encrypting / Encrypting and decrypting a file
- decrypting / Encrypting and decrypting a file
- File-types / Other file-types
- filesystem / The filesystem
- file type information tools
- PEiD / File type information
- TrID / File type information
- CFF Explorer / File type information
- PE Explorer / File type information
- Detect-it-Easy (DiE) / File type information
- ExifTool / File type information
- Flare
- about / Flare
- reference / Flare
- about / FLASM
- reference / FLASM
- GDB / Debuggers
- hash information / Other information
- HashTab / Hash identifying
- Hello World
- in Radare2 / Hello World in Radare2
- about / Hello World
- hello world program, Linux
- about / Linux executable – hello world
- dlroW olleH / dlroW olleH
- password / What is the password?
- Hex-Rays / Decompilers
- HIEW / Disassemblers
- Hopper / Disassemblers
- HTML scripts
- analyzing / Analysis of HTML scripts
- HxD
- reference / Extracting useful information from file
- HxD Hex Editor / Editing tools
- IDA (Interactive Disassembler) / IDA (Interactive Disassembler)
- IDA Pro
- reference / Try it yourself, Disassemblers
- about / Disassemblers, Debuggers
- iLSpy
- reference / Decompilers
- about / Decompilers
- ILSpy / ILSpy – C# Decompiler
- Immunity Debugger
- reference / Debuggers
- about / Debuggers
- increment instruction / Increment and decrement instructions
- inetsim / Network tools
- information
- extracting, from file / Extracting useful information from file
- information gathering tools
- about / Information gathering tools
- file type information / File type information
- hash identifying / Hash identifying
- strings / Strings
- monitoring tools / Monitoring tools
- default command-line tools / Default command-line tools
- initial file information
- obtaining / Initial file information
- initial static analysis
- about / Initial static analysis
- initial file information / Initial file information
- deadlisting / Deadlisting
- IsDebuggerPresent / IsDebuggerPresent
- ISO, for Ubuntu installer
- reference / Setup
- Joe Sandbox / Automated dynamic analysis
- JPEXS SWF decompiler / JPEXS SWF decompiler
- reference / JPEXS SWF decompiler
- about / JPEXS SWF decompiler
- keylogger / Keylogger
- LEA / MOV and LEA
- Linux / Linux
- Linux ARM guest
- in QEMU / Linux ARM guest in QEMU
- Linux ELF file
- reference / A quick review on how native executables are loaded by the OS
- Lubuntu / Linux
- malware
- handling / Malware handling
- about / Typical malware behavior
- malware delivery
- about / Malware delivery
- email / Email
- instant messenger / Instant messenger
- computer network / The computer network
- media storage / Media storage
- exploits / Exploits and compromised websites
- compromised websites / Exploits and compromised websites
- software piracy / Software piracy, Malware file properties
- malware persistence
- about / Persistence
- run keys / Run keys
- load values / Load and Run values
- run values / Load and Run values
- BootExecute value / Load and Run values
- Winlogon key / Load and Run values
- policy scripts keys / Load and Run values
- AppInit_DLLs values / Load and Run values
- services keys / Load and Run values
- file associations / Load and Run values
- startup values / Startup values
- Image file execution options key / The Image File Execution Options key
- Malwr
- reference / Dynamic analysis
- about / Online service sites
- about / MASM
- download link / MASM
- Master Boot Record (MBR) / Virtual machines
- about / MASTIFF
- example / MASTIFF
- download link / MASTIFF
- MBR debugging
- with Bochs / MBR debugging with Bochs
- memory
- about / Memory
- processes, dumping from / Dumping processes from memory
- memory addressing
- about / Memory addressing
- endianness / Endianness
- Memory Boot Record (MBR) / Emulators
- memory dumping
- with VirtualBox / Memory dumping with VirtualBox
- Metasploit
- about / Attack tools
- reference / Attack tools
- MinGW
- reference / NASM
- mitmproxy / Network tools
- monitoring tools
- about / Monitoring tools, Monitoring tools
- SysInternals Suite's Procmon or Process Monitor / Monitoring tools
- API Monitor / Monitoring tools
- CaptureBAT / Monitoring tools
- MOV / MOV and LEA
- MS Office macro analysis
- about / MS Office macro analysis
- performing / MS Office macro analysis
- multiplication instruction / Multiplication and division instructions
- about / NASM
- reference / NASM
- native executables
- loading, by OS / A quick review on how native executables are loaded by the OS
- network tools
- about / Network tools
- tcpdump / Network tools
- Wireshark / Network tools
- mitmproxy / Network tools
- inetsim / Network tools
- network traffic analysis / Network traffic analysis
- Notepad++
- about / Editing tools
- reference / Analysis of HTML scripts
- NtQueryInformationProcess
- reference / Debugger information from NtQueryInformationProcess
- obfuscation techniques
- about / Other obfuscation techniques
- control flow flattening obfuscation / Control flow flattening obfuscation
- garbage code insertion / Garbage code insertion
- with metamorphic engine / Code obfuscation with a metamorphic engine
- dynamic library loading / Dynamic library loading
- PEB information usage / Use of PEB information
- obfuscators / Obfuscators
- OllyDebug
- about / Ollydebug, Debuggers
- download link / Ollydebug
- reference / Debuggers
- online service sites
- VirusTotal / Online service sites
- Malwr / Online service sites
- Falcon Sandbox / Online service sites
- / Online service sites
- / Online service sites
- / Online service sites
- opcode bytes / Opcode bytes
- operating system environment
- about / The operating system environment
- filesystem / The filesystem
- memory / Memory
- registry system / The registry system
- packed executable
- unpacking / Unpacking
- packer
- about / Packers or compressors
- used, for debugging / Debugging though the packer
- password
- about / What is the password?
- static analysis / Static analysis
- quick run / A quick run
- deadlisting / Deadlisting
- dynamic analysis with debugging / Dynamic analysis with debugging
- decompilers / Decompilers
- payload / Payload – the evil within
- PDF file analysis
- about / PDF file analysis
- performing / PDF file analysis
- PE executables / PE executables
- PE Explorer / File type information
- PEiD
- about / PEid and TrID, File type information
- reference / PEid and TrID
- practical reverse engineering, of Windows Executable
- preparing for / Things to prepare
- initial static analysis / Initial static analysis
- debugging / Debugging
- Process Environment Block (PEB) / Use of PEB information, Anti-debugging tricks
- processes
- dumping, from memory / Dumping processes from memory
- Process explorer tool / The Process explorer
- processlist / processlist
- program
- about / Dissecting the program
- dissecting / Dissecting the program
- protectors / Protectors
- Python
- reference / Automation tools
- about / Automation tools
- python-magic
- about / python-magic
- download link / python-magic
- QEMU / Emulators
- Quickhash
- about / Hash identifying
- reference / Static analysis
- rabin2 / Hello World in Radare2
- Radare
- about / Disassemblers, Debuggers, Setup
- reference / Disassemblers
- Radare2
- Hello World / Hello World in Radare2
- Read Time-Stamp Counter (RDTSC) / Timing tricks
- Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) / Emulation
- regenum / regenum
- registers / Registers
- registry system / The registry system
- RegShot / Dynamic analysis, Automated dynamic analysis
- resource forks / The filesystem
- reverse engineering
- about / Reverse engineering
- reverse engineering, as process
- about / Reverse engineering as a process
- approval, seeking / Seeking approval
- static analysis / Static analysis
- dynamic analysis / Dynamic analysis
- low-level analysis / Low-level analysis
- reporting / Reporting
- reverse engineering, Linux
- setup / Setup
- Sandboxie
- about / Dynamic analysis
- reference / Dynamic analysis
- setting up / A typical SEH setup
- self-extracting archives (SFX) / SFX Self-extracting archives
- signed numbers / Signed numbers
- signed operations
- NEA / Other signed operations
- MOVSX / Other signed operations
- CBW / Other signed operations
- CWDE / Other signed operations
- CWD / Other signed operations
- IMUL/IDIV / Other signed operations
- Snowman
- reference / Decompilers
- about / Decompilers
- software forensic tools
- about / Software forensic tools
- references / Software forensic tools
- stack
- about / Data assembly on the stack
- data assembly / Data assembly on the stack
- stack manipulation / Stack manipulation
- static analysis
- about / Assessment and static analysis, Static analysis, Analysis in unfamiliar environments
- trying / Try it yourself
- strings / Strings
- Strings
- reference / Deadlisting
- Structured Error Handlers (SEH) / Use of PEB information
- Structured Exception Handler (SEH) / Anti-debugging tricks
- subtraction operation / Addition and subtraction
- SWF file analysis
- about / SWF file analysis
- performing / SWF file analysis
- SWFTools
- about / SWFTools
- reference / SWFTools
- SysInternals suite
- reference / Technical requirements
- SysInternals Suite's Procmon or Process Monitor / Monitoring tools
- SysInternals Suite's string / Strings
- tcpdump / Network tools
- Thread Environment Block (TEB) / Debug flags in the PEB
- Thread Information Block (TIB) / Use of PEB information, Debug flags in the PEB
- ThreatAnalyzer / Dynamic analysis, Automated dynamic analysis
- tools
- about / Tools, Tools
- binary analysis tools / Binary analysis tools
- disassemblers / Disassemblers
- debuggers / Debuggers
- monitoring tools / Monitoring tools
- decompilers / Decompilers
- autoruns / Autoruns
- Process explorer / The Process explorer
- environment setup / Analysis environments
- information gathering tools / Information gathering tools
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) / Network traffic analysis
- TrID
- about / PEid and TrID, File type information
- reference / PEid and TrID
- Ubuntu forums
- reference / Setup
- reference / Try it yourself
- UPX tool
- about / The UPX tool
- download link / The UPX tool
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP) / Network traffic analysis
- Vectored Exception Handler
- reference / A typical SEH setup
- VirtualBox
- reference / Technical requirements, Our setup
- downloading / Our setup
- memory dumping / Memory dumping with VirtualBox
- virtualization software
- VMWare Workstation / Virtual machines
- VirtualBox / Virtual machines
- Qemu (Quick Emulator) / Virtual machines
- Bochs / Virtual machines
- Microsoft Hyper-V / Virtual machines
- virtual machines, Microsoft
- download link / To get the most out of this book, Technical requirements
- VirtualProtect / Debugging though the packer
- VirusTotal / Online service sites
- Visual Studio / Automation tools
- Visual Studio Community edition
- reference / Hello World
- Volatility
- about / Software forensic tools
- reference / Software forensic tools
- download link / Extracting the process to a file using Volatility
- used, for extracting process to file / Extracting the process to a file using Volatility
- / Online service sites
- WinDbg
- about / WinDbg, Debuggers
- download link / WinDbg
- Windows / Windows
- Windows 7 32-bit
- download link / Our setup
- Windows API libraries
- KERNEL32 / Common Windows API libraries
- USER32 / Common Windows API libraries
- ADVAPI32 / Common Windows API libraries
- MSVCRT / Common Windows API libraries
- WININET / Common Windows API libraries
- WS2_32 / Common Windows API libraries
- URLMON / Common Windows API libraries
- NETAPI32 / Common Windows API libraries
- Windows PE file
- reference / A quick review on how native executables are loaded by the OS
- Wireshark
- about / Network tools
- reference / Network tools, Network traffic analysis
- x64dbg
- about / x64dbg
- download link / x64dbg, Debugging
- x86
- about / x86, Emulation
- registers / Registers
- memory addressing / Memory addressing
- x86 Debuggers
- about / x86 Debuggers
- WinDbg / WinDbg
- OllyDebug / Ollydebug
- x64dbg / x64dbg
- x86dbg
- about / Debuggers
- reference / Debuggers
- file, decrypting with / Decrypting with x86dbg
- about / XXXSWF
- reference / XXXSWF
- Yara / Automation tools
- 7-zip / Hash identifying