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Purple Team Strategies

By : David Routin, Simon Thoores, Samuel Rossier
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Purple Team Strategies

By: David Routin, Simon Thoores, Samuel Rossier

Overview of this book

With small to large companies focusing on hardening their security systems, the term "purple team" has gained a lot of traction over the last couple of years. Purple teams represent a group of individuals responsible for securing an organization’s environment using both red team and blue team testing and integration – if you’re ready to join or advance their ranks, then this book is for you. Purple Team Strategies will get you up and running with the exact strategies and techniques used by purple teamers to implement and then maintain a robust environment. You’ll start with planning and prioritizing adversary emulation, and explore concepts around building a purple team infrastructure as well as simulating and defending against the most trendy ATT&CK tactics. You’ll also dive into performing assessments and continuous testing with breach and attack simulations. Once you’ve covered the fundamentals, you'll also learn tips and tricks to improve the overall maturity of your purple teaming capabilities along with measuring success with KPIs and reporting. With the help of real-world use cases and examples, by the end of this book, you'll be able to integrate the best of both sides: red team tactics and blue team security measures.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Part 1: Concept, Model, and Methodology
Part 2: Building a Purple Infrastructure
Part 3: The Most Common Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) and Defenses
Part 4: Assessing and Improving

Reconnaissance and resource development

The reconnaissance tactic is the first step that's performed by the threat actor. It consists of collecting information on the target to prepare for the next steps.

As its name suggests, the resource development step's goal is to develop the necessary resources to perform the rest of the operations.

As we've explained previously, these tactics and their techniques are mostly used outside our organization's visibility, so difficult for a defender to do something about it. Let's look at the most commonly used reconnaissance and resource development techniques by threat actors:

  • Reconnaissance:
    • T1595 Active Scanning
    • T1596 Search Open Technical Databases
  • Resource Development:
    • T1583 Acquire Infrastructure
    • T1584 Compromise Infrastructure
    • T1587 Develop Capabilities
    • T1588 Obtain Capabilities

As we can see, except for the scanning activities, it may be almost impossible to do anything about those techniques...