Chapter 12: PTX – Purple Teaming eXtended
The previous chapters described how it was possible to leverage the red and blue forces for creating a purple teaming process relying, when possible, on automation and typical purple products such as Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS). Chapter 2, Purple Teaming – a Generic Approach and a New Model, described all the process workflows clearly reflecting that the main concept is being able to generate some active checks (like an attacker would perform), and in the meantime, making sure that these active checks are detected or blocked. We have also seen that automation is a major key to the purple teaming process's success. Different purple teaming applications exist along with many commercial solutions to answer this need: from our point of view, these typical approaches can be improved and extended.
As explained in Chapter 2, Purple Teaming – a Generic Approach and a New Model, we believe that the purple teaming...