DDoS attack
A DDoS attack maliciously aims to interrupt the normal operations of a network, service, website, or online platform by inundating it with excessive traffic from numerous sources. The goal of a DDoS attack is to render the targeted system or service unavailable to its intended users temporarily or, in some cases, for an extended period. Here’s how it works in two basic steps:
- Step 1 – Multiple attack sources: During a DDoS attack, the perpetrator generally employs a botnet, a network of hijacked computers, to create an overwhelming amount of traffic.
- Step 2 – Traffic overload: A network of compromised computers sends a flood of requests or data packets, sometimes malformed, to the target simultaneously. The target’s servers or infrastructure become overwhelmed, causing a slowdown or complete disruption of services.
The following diagram illustrates a typical DDoS attack:
Figure 4.1 – DDoS attack...