As the digital era unfolds, the boundaries between our electronic existence and tangible reality have become increasingly indistinct. We witnessed this decade’s evolving shadows of cyber warfare: the eerie silence after Stuxnet’s attack, the chilling darkness following Ukraine’s power grid sabotage, and the chaos borne from the ransom waves of WannaCry and NotPetya. The very tools we place our trust in were exposed in the SolarWinds incident, while episodes involving the Colonial Pipeline remind us how precariously our daily lives hang in the balance.
In this chapter, we ventured deep into the maze of cyber conflict, spotlighting some of the most consequential attacks that have shaken our world’s foundation. As we hurtle forward in this digital age, the repeated sieges on our essential infrastructures bring to light a pressing concern: the indispensable need to bolster our defenses. Let the tales of these breaches serve as both a warning and a...