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Python for Security and Networking - Third Edition

By : José Ortega
4 (3)
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Python for Security and Networking - Third Edition

4 (3)
By: José Ortega

Overview of this book

Python’s latest updates add numerous libraries that can be used to perform critical security-related missions, including detecting vulnerabilities in web applications, taking care of attacks, and helping to build secure and robust networks that are resilient to them. This fully updated third edition will show you how to make the most of them and improve your security posture. The first part of this book will walk you through Python scripts and libraries that you’ll use throughout the book. Next, you’ll dive deep into the core networking tasks where you will learn how to check a network’s vulnerability using Python security scripting and understand how to check for vulnerabilities in your network – including tasks related to packet sniffing. You’ll also learn how to achieve endpoint protection by leveraging Python packages along with writing forensics scripts. The next part of the book will show you a variety of modern techniques, libraries, and frameworks from the Python ecosystem that will help you extract data from servers and analyze the security in web applications. You’ll take your first steps in extracting data from a domain using OSINT tools and using Python tools to perform forensics tasks. By the end of this book, you will be able to make the most of Python to test the security of your network and applications.
Table of Contents (23 chapters)
Section 1: Python Environment and System Programming Tools
Section 2: Network Scripting and Packet Sniffing with Python
Section 3: Server Scripting and Port Scanning with Python
Section 4: Server Vulnerabilities and Security in Web Applications
Section 5: Python Forensics
Assessments – Answers to the End-of-Chapter Questions
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Let’s begin by reviewing the Nmap tool for port scanning and the main scanning types that it supports. In this first section, we will learn about Nmap as a port scanner that allows us to analyze ports and services that run on a specific host.

Once you have identified different hosts within your network, the next step is to perform a port scan of each host identified. Computers that support communication protocols use ports to make connections between them. To support different communications with multiple applications, ports are used to distinguish between various communications in the same host or server.

For example, web servers can use Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to provide access to a web page that uses TCP port number 80 by default. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) use ports 21 and 25 respectively.

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