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Robust Cloud Integration with Azure

By : Gyanendra Kumar Gautam, Ashish Bhambhani, Abhishek Kumar, James Corbould, Mahindra Morar, Martin Abbott
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Robust Cloud Integration with Azure

By: Gyanendra Kumar Gautam, Ashish Bhambhani, Abhishek Kumar, James Corbould, Mahindra Morar, Martin Abbott

Overview of this book

Any software developers, architects, and technical managers lookng to learn about Azure IaaS essentials need look no further. This book is ideal for Microsoft Enterprise developers, DevOps or any IT professionals looking to connect cloud-based and on-premises systems with Azure.
Table of Contents (23 chapters)
Robust Cloud Integration with Azure
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Scenario - bringing it all together

In this scenario, Sunny Electricals manufactures industrial electric motors. To ensure that these motors are well maintained, Sunny Electricals has embedded piezo sensors near the bearing housing and temperature sensors in the stator windings. These sensors are then wired to a microcontroller that sends the telemetry data to an Azure IoT Hub every minute.

With this information, Sunny Electricals can tell their customers of possible bearing failure or if the motor is working under stressful loads.

For the scenario, the microcontroller and telemetry data are simulated and posted to a single device in IoT Hub named motordata.

Once received by IoT Hub, the telemetry data is processed by an Azure Stream Analytics job that pushes all data to a Power BI dashboard to show the current data in an easily consumable format. The data is also processed using an Azure Function that makes use of the Event Hub endpoint of the IoT Hub. This process checks for error conditions...