Creating content types for the teacher blog
In this section, we will outline how to create two content types used in the teacher blog. This section will refer to the process outlined in Chapter 3, Getting Started. When creating a content type you will need to:
Create the content type
Add fields to the content type (optional—not all content types require additional fields)
Assign a taxonomy to the content type (optional—not all content types will be organized using taxonomy)
Assign permissions to the content type
The blog post content type
The blog post content type will be one of the publishing tools available to users in this site. To create this content type, click on the Structure | Content types link, or navigate to admin/structure/types
As described in Chapter 3, Getting Started, to create a new content type, click on the Add content type link.
For the Identification section, use the following values:
Blog post
Create a blog post
In the Submission form settings section, the...