Creating the podcast content type
The easiest way to organize our podcast within a Drupal site is to create a content type specifically for podcasts, as described in the following steps:
Click on Structure | Content types | Add content type, or navigate to
for the Name field, and add the following in the Description field:An audio file. The audio file could be used for adding music, podcasts, or audio clips to your site.
Under Publishing options, uncheck the box next to Promoted to front page, then click on Save and add fields to save your progress.
Adding an audio field to the podcast content type
Once we have set up the basic content type, we will have to add an audio field to it.
Add a new field called
Audio File
, select File as the FIELD TYPE, and select Audio Upload as the WIDGET type. Click on Save to add the field and continue configuring the field.The options on the next screen allow you to add files to a podcast node without displaying it to the...