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CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints

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CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (16 chapters)
CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Common language items

In each project throughout the book, we will create a specific language file containing specific language items that are relevant to that particular project. However, there are also common language elements that we won't repeat in each project (as there's no need); thus, we can have them here instead.

The language items mostly cover screen elements such as general navigation, general error and success messages, and CRUD actions (edit, delete, and so on).

With that in mind, let's go ahead and create the base language file that will serve as a template for the chapters in this book.

Create the en_admin_lang.php file at /path/to/codeigniter/application/language/english/ and add the following code to it:

// Common form elements
$lang['common_form_elements_next'] = "Next...";
$lang['common_form_elements_save'] = "Save...";
$lang['common_form_elements_cancel'] = "Cancel";
$lang['common_form_elements_go'] = "Go...";
$lang['common_form_elements_go_back'] = "Go back";
$lang['common_form_elements_submission_error'] = "There were errors with the form:";
$lang['common_form_elements_success_notifty'] = "Success:";
$lang['common_form_elements_error_notifty'] = "Error:";
$lang['common_form_elements_actions'] = "Actions";
$lang['common_form_elements_action_edit'] = "Edit";
$lang['common_form_elements_action_delete'] = "Delete";
$lang['common_form_elements_active'] = "Active";
$lang['common_form_elements_inactive'] = "Inactive";
$lang['common_form_elements_seccessful_change'] = "Your changes have been saved";
$lang['common_form_elements_seccessful_delete'] = "The item has been deleted";
$lang['common_form_elements_yes'] = "Yes";
$lang['common_form_elements_no'] = "No";
$lang['common_form_elements_to'] = "to";
$lang['common_form_elements_from'] = "from";
$lang['common_form_elements_history'] = "History";

The preceding language items are mostly for HTML forms and tables of data, such as the text for the Submit, Edit, Delete, and History buttons. Also included are general error or success messages. Feel free to add to them if you wish.