- AbsurdJS
- about / Working with AbsurdJS
- working with / Working with AbsurdJS
- actual test
- writing / Writing the actual test
- Adobe
- about / Introducing the task runners
- Angular
- used, for developing client side / Developing the client side with Angular
- AngularJS
- about / Exploring AngularJS, Final words on AngularJS
- URL / Exploring AngularJS
- directives, using / Using directives and controllers
- controllers, using / Using directives and controllers
- data binding process / Data binding
- logic, encapsulating with modules / Encapsulating logic with modules
- data, preparing with filters / Preparing data with filters
- dependency injection / Dependency injection
- model / The model in the context of AngularJS
- AngularJS applications
- bootstrapping / Bootstrapping AngularJS applications
- about / Discovering REST and API
- testing / Testing the API
- API router
- implementing / Implementing the API router
- app
- running, ways / Using node-webkit
- application
- planning / Planning the application
- Key, creating for / Obtaining your application's Key and Secret
- Secret, creating for / Obtaining your application's Key and Secret
- preparing / Preparing the application
- base, writing / Writing the base of the application
- package.json file, writing / Writing the package.json file
- HTML layout, preparing / Preparing the HTML layout
- JavaScript base, designing / Designing the JavaScript base
- application, extending
- about / Extending the application
- updateFileArea function, tweaking / Tweaking the updateFileArea function
- new page, loading for selected image / Loading a new page for the selected image
- image, displaying / Showing the image and its dimensions
- image dimensions, displaying / Showing the image and its dimensions
- toolbar, removing / Removing the toolbar
- applications
- about / Introducing the task runners
- application tool
- running / Running our application tool
- arguments, express-generator command-line tool
- -h, --help / Using a command-line tool
- -V, --version / Using a command-line tool
- -e, --ejs / Using a command-line tool
- -H, --hogan / Using a command-line tool
- -c, --css / Using a command-line tool
- assertions
- about / Classifying tests
- assets
- delivering / Running the server and delivering the assets
- asynchronous programming
- about / Asynchronous programming
- atomic design
- URL / Atomic design
- about / Atomic design
- Backbone.Collection module / Using collections
- Backbone.Events module / Understanding Backbone.js as an event-driven framework
- Backbone.js framework
- exploring / Exploring the Backbone.js framework
- framework dependency, recognizing / Recognizing the framework dependency
- functionality, extending / Extending the functionality
- event-driven framework / Understanding Backbone.js as an event-driven framework
- models, using / Using models
- collections, using / Using collections
- views, implementing / Implementing views
- routers, using / Using the router
- backend / Talking to the backend
- Backbone.View module / Implementing views
- backend part, to-do application
- writing / Writing the backend of the application
- Node.js server, running / Running the Node.js server
- to-do lists, managing / Managing the to-do lists
- basic application structure
- about / Understanding the basic application structure
- behavior-driven development (BDD)
- about / Behavior-driven development
- about / BEM (block, element, modifier)
- URL / BEM (block, element, modifier)
- benefits, CSS preprocessors
- concatenation / Exploring CSS preprocessors
- extending / Exploring CSS preprocessors
- configuration / Exploring CSS preprocessors
- blocks / Developing the client side with Angular
- cache manifest file
- about / Generating a cache manifest file
- generating / Generating a cache manifest file
- callbacks
- about / Planning the application
- categories, for application styles
- basic selectors / Scalable and modular architecture for CSS
- layout / Scalable and modular architecture for CSS
- modules / Scalable and modular architecture for CSS
- state / Scalable and modular architecture for CSS
- theme / Scalable and modular architecture for CSS
- chat
- client side, writing / Writing the client side of the chat
- chat logic
- writing / Writing the chat logic
- classes, Ember.js
- exploring / Exploring classes and objects in Ember.js
- client side
- developing, with Angular / Developing the client side with Angular
- client side, of chat
- HTML markup, preparing / Preparing the HTML markup
- logic, writing / Writing the chat logic
- code
- minifying / Minifying your code, Concatenating and minifying with Gulp
- documenting / Documenting our code
- code-over-configuration principle / Discovering Gulp
- code logic, organizing in modules
- car construction application, building / Building a car construction application
- car's engine, using / Using the car's engine
- code shallow / Asynchronous programming
- command-line tool
- used, for installing Express / Using a command-line tool
- CommonJS / Organizing your code logic in modules
- composition
- versus, inheritance / Composition versus inheritance
- computed properties, Ember.js / Computed properties
- concatenation
- about / Concatenating files
- concepts, modular CSS
- BEM / BEM (block, element, modifier)
- OOCSS approach / Using the Object Oriented CSS approach
- SMACSS / Scalable and modular architecture for CSS
- atomic design / Atomic design
- connect
- about / Exploring middleware architecture
- URL / Exploring middleware architecture
- Connect
- about / Getting acquainted with Express
- controllers, Ember.js / Controllers
- control panel
- about / Implementing a control panel
- implementing / Implementing a control panel
- about / Discovering REST and API
- cross-browser issues
- about / Knowing the dependencies of Ember.js
- CRUD / Talking to the backend
- crypto module / Working with the database
- CSS2
- about / Writing modular CSS
- CSS3
- about / Writing modular CSS
- CSS preprocessors
- exploring / Exploring CSS preprocessors
- benefits / Exploring CSS preprocessors
- Less / Using Less
- Sass / Using Sass
- Stylus / Using Stylus
- AbsurdJS / Working with AbsurdJS
- current directory
- modifying / Changing the current directory
- current working directory
- displaying / Displaying the current working directory
- DalekJS
- testing with / Testing with DalekJS
- database
- selecting / Selecting and initializing the database
- initializing / Selecting and initializing the database
- working with / Working with the database
- record, creating / Creating a new record
- record, editing / Editing a record
- record, deleting / Deleting a record
- books, displaying / Displaying all the books
- default route, adding / Adding a default route
- data binding
- DELETE request
- about / Discovering REST and API
- deleteToDo function / Managing the to-do lists
- dependencies / Recognizing the framework dependency
- dependencies, Ember.js
- jQuery / Knowing the dependencies of Ember.js
- Handlebars / Knowing the dependencies of Ember.js
- dependency injection
- about / Dependency injection
- dependency management
- about / Managing dependencies
- describe method / Testing the file-reading process
- dynamic URLs
- handling / Handling dynamic URLs and the HTML forms
- Ember.js
- about / Discovering Ember.js, Understanding Ember.js
- classes, exploring / Exploring classes and objects in Ember.js
- objects, exploring / Exploring classes and objects in Ember.js
- computed properties / Computed properties
- router / Router
- models / Models
- controllers / Controllers
- Ember.js part
- writing / Writing Ember.js
- templates, defining / Defining the templates
- Ember Inspector
- Evaluate method / Understanding how PhantomJS works
- EventEmitter / Understanding inter-module communication
- example-logging system
- about / The example-logging system
- Express
- URL / Getting acquainted with Express
- about / Getting acquainted with Express
- installing / Installing Express
- installing, package.json used / Using package.json
- installing, command-line tool used / Using a command-line tool
- express-generator command-line tool
- about / Using a command-line tool
- files
- concatenating / Concatenating files, Concatenating and minifying with Gulp
- viewing, for changes / Watching files for changes
- ignoring / Ignoring files
- displaying / Showing the files and folders
- copying / Copying, moving, and deleting files
- moving / Copying, moving, and deleting files
- deleting / Copying, moving, and deleting files
- flapi module
- about / Exploring the required modules
- Flickr.js module
- writing into / Writing into the Flickr.js module
- Flickr protocol
- authorizing / Authorizing the Flickr protocol
- folder
- images, obtaining from / Obtaining images from a folder
- folders
- displaying / Showing the files and folders
- frontend part, to-do application
- writing / Writing the frontend
- files structure / Looking into the base of the application
- to-do activities, listing / Listing the to-do activities
- to-do lists, adding / Adding, deleting, and editing the to-do lists
- to-do lists, deleting / Adding, deleting, and editing the to-do lists
- to-do lists, editing / Adding, deleting, and editing the to-do lists
- fs module
- about / Exploring the required modules
- functional testing
- about / Classifying tests
- GET request
- about / Discovering REST and API
- glob module
- about / Exploring the required modules
- Google
- about / Exploring AngularJS
- Grunt
- about / Introducing the task runners, Exploring Grunt
- files, concatenating / Concatenating files
- code, minifying / Minifying your code
- files, viewing for changes / Watching files for changes
- files, ignoring / Ignoring files
- task, creating / Creating our own task
- cache manifest file, generating / Generating a cache manifest file
- code, documenting / Documenting our code
- grunt-contrib-concat plugin
- about / Exploring Grunt, Concatenating files
- grunt-contrib-uglify plugin / Minifying your code
- grunt-contrib-watch plugin / Watching files for changes
- Gruntfile.js file
- Gulp
- about / Introducing the task runners, Discovering Gulp
- installing / Installing Gulp and fetching plugins
- plugins, fetching / Installing Gulp and fetching plugins
- files, concatenating / Concatenating and minifying with Gulp
- code, minifying / Concatenating and minifying with Gulp
- gulp-concat plugin
- about / Concatenating and minifying with Gulp
- gulp-rename plugin
- about / Concatenating and minifying with Gulp
- gulp-uglify plugin
- about / Concatenating and minifying with Gulp
- gulp command
- about / Concatenating and minifying with Gulp
- gulpfile.js file / Discovering Gulp
- Gulp plugin
- creating / Creating your own Gulp plugin
- Handlebars
- about / Knowing the dependencies of Ember.js
- handler
- about / Defining the API parts
- headless browser
- testing with / Testing with a headless browser
- HTML forms
- about / Handling dynamic URLs and the HTML forms
- HTML layout
- preparing, for application / Preparing the HTML layout
- http module / Node.js fundamentals
- HTTP verbs
- about / Discovering REST and API
- @include keyword / Using Sass
- images
- obtaining, from folder / Obtaining images from a folder
- uploading / Uploading the images
- installation, Express
- about / Installing Express
- package.json used / Using package.json
- command-line tool used / Using a command-line tool
- installation, Gulp / Installing Gulp and fetching plugins
- installation, Jasmine / Installing Jasmine
- installation, Mocha / Installation
- integration test
- writing / Writing an integration test
- integration testing
- about / Classifying tests
- inter-module communication
- about / Understanding inter-module communication
- Jade
- about / Knowing the dependencies of Ember.js
- Jasmine
- about / Using Jasmine, Testing the API
- installing / Installing Jasmine
- module, defining for testing / Defining the module for testing
- test-driven development concept, following / Following the test-driven development concept
- reading of file content, testing / Testing the file-reading process
- strings, finding in file content / Finding strings in the file content
- integration test, writing / Writing an integration test
- JavaScript base
- designing, for application / Designing the JavaScript base
- jQuery
- about / Knowing the dependencies of Ember.js
- Key
- about / Authorizing the Flickr protocol
- creating, for application / Obtaining your application's Key and Secret
- about / Using a command-line tool
- Less
- about / Using Less
- using / Using Less
- variables, defining / Defining variables
- mixins, using / Using mixins
- styles, structuring into nested definitions / Structuring the styles into nested definitions
- URL, for documentation / Structuring the styles into nested definitions
- logic
- encapsulating, with modules / Encapsulating logic with modules
- login form
- styling / Styling a simple login form
- @mixin keyword / Using Sass
- manifest.json
- about / Introducing the task runners
- micro testing framework
- developing / Developing the micro testing framework
- middleware architecture
- exploring / Exploring middleware architecture
- minification
- about / Minifying your code
- mixins, Less
- Mocha
- about / Testing with Mocha
- installing / Installation
- example, translating / Translating our example using Mocha
- reporter, selecting / Selecting a reporter
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern / Using a command-line tool, Implementing views
- models, Ember.js / Models
- modifiers
- about / BEM (block, element, modifier)
- modular CSS
- writing / Writing modular CSS
- modules
- logic, encapsulating with / Encapsulating logic with modules
- exploring / Exploring the required modules
- MongoDB
- about / Selecting and initializing the database, Working with the database
- NoSQL, using with / Using NoSQL with MongoDB
- URL, for downloading / Using NoSQL with MongoDB
- about / Selecting and initializing the database, Working with the database
- using / Using MySQL
- URL, for downloading / Using MySQL
- nested definitions
- style, structuring into / Structuring the styles into nested definitions
- node-webkit
- using / Using node-webkit
- URL / Using node-webkit
- URL, for documentation / Using node-webkit
- Node.js
- fundamentals / Node.js fundamentals
- code logic, organizing in modules / Organizing your code logic in modules
- URL / Using the car's engine
- about / Getting acquainted with Express, Writing the base
- server code, writing / Running the server
- Node.js, task runners
- Grunt / Exploring Grunt
- Gulp / Discovering Gulp
- Node Package Manager(npm)
- about / Managing dependencies
- using, with MongoDB / Using NoSQL with MongoDB
- OAuth
- about / Authorizing the Flickr protocol
- objects, Ember.js
- exploring / Exploring classes and objects in Ember.js
- Observer / Understanding inter-module communication
- online library
- developing / Developing an online library – a REST API
- OOCSS approach
- about / Using the Object Oriented CSS approach
- separate structure, and skin / Separate structure and skin
- separate container, and content / Separate container and content
- open module
- about / Exploring the required modules
- optimist module
- about / Exploring the required modules
- package.json
- used, for installing Express / Using package.json
- package.json file
- using / Exploring the required modules
- writing / Exploring the required modules, Writing the package.json file
- parts, API server
- router / Defining the API parts
- handler / Defining the API parts
- responder / Defining the API parts
- performance tests
- about / Classifying tests
- PhantomJS
- about / Testing with PhantomJS
- URL / Testing with PhantomJS
- testing with / Testing with PhantomJS
- micro testing framework, developing / Developing the micro testing framework
- working / Understanding how PhantomJS works
- actual test, writing / Writing the actual test
- POST requests
- about / Discovering REST and API
- preprocessors
- about / Exploring CSS preprocessors
- promise
- fulfilled state / Asynchronous programming
- rejected state / Asynchronous programming
- pending state / Asynchronous programming
- settled state / Asynchronous programming
- promise method / Asynchronous programming
- promises paradigm / Asynchronous programming
- PUT request
- about / Discovering REST and API
- readline module
- about / Exploring the required modules
- record
- creating, in database / Creating a new record
- editing, in database / Editing a record
- deleting, from database / Deleting a record
- removeListener / Understanding inter-module communication
- reporter
- selecting / Selecting a reporter
- responder
- about / Defining the API parts
- writing / Writing the responder
- response
- returning / Returning a response
- response object
- about / Returning a response
- about / Discovering REST and API
- about / Developing an online library – a REST API
- parts, defining / Defining the API parts
- base, writing / Writing the base
- router, implementing / Implementing the API router
- responder, writing / Writing the responder
- about / Discovering REST and API
- Revealing Module pattern / Looking into the base of the application
- router
- about / Defining the API parts
- router, Ember.js / Router
- routes
- managing / Managing routes
- defining / Defining the routes
- Sass
- about / Using Sass
- using / Using Sass
- Secret
- about / Authorizing the Flickr protocol
- creating, for application / Obtaining your application's Key and Secret
- server
- running / Running the server and delivering the assets
- about / Scalable and modular architecture for CSS
- URL / Scalable and modular architecture for CSS
- about / Discovering REST and API
- exploring / Exploring WebSockets and Socket.IO
- URL / Exploring WebSockets and Socket.IO
- setting up / Adding Socket.IO
- stress tests
- about / Classifying tests
- strings
- finding, in file content / Finding strings in the file content
- styles
- structuring, into nested definitions / Structuring the styles into nested definitions
- Stylus
- about / Using a command-line tool, Using Stylus
- using / Using Stylus
- subject / Understanding inter-module communication
- writing, of test / Writing the subject of our test
- system testing
- about / Classifying tests
- task
- creating / Creating our own task
- task runner
- about / Introducing the task runners
- templates, Ember.js / Views and templates
- templates, Ember.js part
- defining / Defining the templates
- test
- subject, writing of / Writing the subject of our test
- test-driven development (TDD)
- about / Test-driven development
- testing methodology
- selecting / Choosing a testing methodology
- test-driven development (TDD) / Test-driven development
- behavior-driven development (BDD) / Behavior-driven development
- test runner
- about / Classifying tests
- tests
- writing, significance / Understanding the importance of writing tests
- writing, benefits / Understanding the importance of writing tests
- classifying / Classifying tests
- unit tests / Classifying tests
- integration tests / Classifying tests
- functional tests / Classifying tests
- system tests / Classifying tests
- stress tests / Classifying tests
- performance / Classifying tests
- to-do application
- backend part / Writing the backend of the application
- frontend part / Writing the frontend
- tweets
- obtaining, based on user handle / Getting tweets based on a user handle
- displaying / Displaying the tweets
- Twitter
- about / Introducing the task runners
- unit testing
- about / Classifying tests
- updateFileArea function
- tweaking / Tweaking the updateFileArea function
- user
- transferring, to second screen / Handling the user input and moving to the second screen
- user-to-user communication
- implementing / Implementing user-to-user communication
- server part, modifying / Changing the server-side code
- frontend, modifying of chat / Making changes to the frontend of the chat
- user handle
- tweets, obtaining based on / Getting tweets based on a user handle
- user input
- handling / Handling the user input and moving to the second screen
- variables, Less
- defining / Defining variables
- views, Ember.js / Views and templates
- Webkit
- about / Testing with PhantomJS
- WebSockets
- exploring / Exploring WebSockets and Socket.IO
- working directory
- displaying / Displaying and using the working directory
- using / Displaying and using the working directory
- current working directory, displaying / Displaying the current working directory
- files, displaying / Showing the files and folders
- folders, displaying / Showing the files and folders
- current directory, modifying / Changing the current directory
- files, copying / Copying, moving, and deleting files
- files, moving / Copying, moving, and deleting files
- files, deleting / Copying, moving, and deleting files