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HTML5 Data and Services Cookbook

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HTML5 Data and Services Cookbook

Overview of this book

HTML5 is everywhere. From PCs to tablets to smartphones and even TVs, the web is the most ubiquitous application platform and information medium bar. Its becoming a first class citizen in established operating systems such as Microsoft Windows 8 as well as the primary platform of new operating systems such as Google Chrome OS. "HTML5 Data and Services Cookbook" contains over 100 recipes explaining how to utilize modern features and techniques when building websites or web applications. This book will help you to explore the full power of HTML5 - from number rounding to advanced graphics to real-time data binding. "HTML5 Data and Services Cookbook" starts with the display of text and related data. Then you will be guided through graphs and animated visualizations followed by input and input controls. Data serialization, validation and communication with the server as well as modern frameworks with advanced features like automatic data binding and server communication will also be covered in detail.This book covers a fast track into new libraries and features that are part of HTML5!
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
HTML5 Data and Services Cookbook
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

About the Authors

Gorgi Kosev is the lead software engineer at CreationPal, where he currently works on development of mobile and desktop HTML5 applications, as well as cloud solutions based on Node.js. He is also responsible for the selection and development of the technology stack used in CreationPal products, such as SportyPal and Appzer for Google Docs.

He completed his graduation in Electrical Engineering from University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in 2008, and his Masters in Intelligent Information Systems in 2011. His research interests includes collaborative computer systems and machine learning.

In his spare time, he enjoys sharing code and hardware hacks with members of the local hack lab and playing the piano.

Mite Mitreski works on custom enterprise application development with primary focus on Java and JVM-based solutions. He has worked as a programming course trainer in the past. He is deeply involved in activities surrounding development groups in Macedonia, where he is currently the JUG Leader of Java User Group, Macedonia. Mite has a great passion for free and open source software, open data formats, and the open web. Occasionally, he writes at his blog at and can be reached on Twitter, his Twitter handle being @mitemitreski.