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Mastering SoapUI

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Mastering SoapUI

Overview of this book

SoapUI is an open-source cross-platform testing application that provides complete test coverage and supports all the standard protocols and technologies. This book includes real-time examples of implementing SoapUI to achieve quality and business assurance. Starting with the features and functionalities of SoapUI, the book will then focus on functional testing, load testing, and security testing of web services. Furthermore, you will learn how to automate your services and then design data-driven, keyword-driven, and hybrid-driven frameworks in SoapUI. Then the book will show you how to test UIs and services using SoapUI with the help of Selenium. You will also learn how to integrate SoapUI with Jenkins for CI and SoapUI test with QC with backward- and forward-compatibility. The final part of the book will show you how to virtualize a service response in SoapUI using Service Mocking. You will finish the journey by discovering the best practices for SoapUI test automation and preparing yourself for the online certification of SoapUI.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Mastering SoapUI
About the Author
About the Reviewer
SoapUI Integration with Jenkins and HP QC

SoapUI architecture

Before we move onto the architecture let's take a look the capabilities of SoapUI and how can we use it for the benefit of our projects.

SoapUI provides the following testing features to the test team:

  • Functional testing [manual]

  • Function test automation

  • Performance testing

  • Security testing

  • Web service interoperability testing

Apart from these, SoapUI is also capable of integration with the following:

  • LoadUI for advanced performance testing

  • Selenium for multilayer testing

  • Jenkins for continuous integration

  • HP QC for end-to-end test automation management and execution


SoapUI has a comparatively simple architecture as compared to other tools in the SOA testing world.

The following image, shows the architecture of SoapUI at an overview level:

Let's talk about the architecture in detail:

  • Test config files: Files which require power to test this includes test data, expected results, database connection variables and any other environmental or test specific details.

  • Third-party API: Third-party API helps create an optimized test automation framework example. JExcel API to help integrate with Microsoft Excel to create a data driven framework.

  • Selenium: Selenium JARs to be used for UI automation.

  • SoapUI Runner: This is used to run the SoapUI project and is a very useful utility for test automation as it allows you to run the test from the command line and acts as a trigger for test automation.

  • Groovy: This library is used to enable SoapUI to provide its users with groovy as a scripting language.

  • Properties: Test request properties to hold any dynamically generated data. We also have Test properties to configure SSL and other security configurations for test requests.

  • Test Report: SoapUI provides a Junit style report and user Jasper reporting utility for reporting of test results.