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Web Development with MongoDB and Node.js

By : Jason Krol
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Web Development with MongoDB and Node.js

By: Jason Krol

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Web Development with MongoDB and Node.js
About the Author
About the Reviewers
Popular Node.js Web Frameworks

Writing your first app

Now that you have everything installed and confirmed that it's all working, you can write your first quick app that will use both Node and MongoDB. This will prove that your environment is good to go, and you're ready to get started. In addition, it will give you a brief taste of the world of Node and MongoDB development! Don't worry if a lot of the following is confusing or just doesn't make sense to you—it will all be made clear throughout the rest of the book!

Step one is to create a folder that you can work from while creating files and installing Node modules. From your home or development folder, execute the following commands:

$ mkdir testapp
$ cd testapp

The code

The first thing you need to do before you write any code is download any modules you plan to use with your app from npm. Since this is a basic app, you'll only need to use the MongoDB Node driver. You can easily install this by executing the following command:

(term_1)$ npm install mongodb

After npm...