- About route
- creating / Adding another route
- acceptance test
- about / Types of tests, Acceptance tests
- Nightwatch / Nightwatch
- Laika / Laika
- accounts packages
- about / Meteor's accounts packages
- adding / Adding the accounts packages
- admin functionality, adding to templates
- about / Adding admin functionality to our templates
- link, adding for new posts / Adding a link for new posts
- link, adding for edit posts / Adding the link to edit posts
- login form, adding / Adding the login form
- admin routes
- creating / Creating routes for the admin
- visitors, preventing from viewing / Preventing visitors from seeing the admin routes
- admin user
- creating / Creating the admin user
- permissions, adding / Adding permissions
- security / A note on security
- routes, creating / Creating routes for the admin
- advanced reactive objects
- about / Advanced reactive objects
- advanced timer object
- creating / Creating an advanced timer object
- allow rules
- adding / Adding our first allow rules
- app
- creating / Creating our first app
- folder structure, creating / Creating a good folder structure
- drop-in-place style files / Preadd style files
- deploying, on / Deploying on
- deploying, on other servers / Deploying on other servers
- app deployment, on
- about / Deploying on
- domain name, used / Deploying on using a domain name
- databases, backing up / Backup and restore databases hosted on
- databases, restoring / Backup and restore databases hosted on
- app deployment, on other servers
- about / Deploying on other servers
- app, building / Bundling our app
- demeteorizer, using / Deploying using Demeteorizer
- Meteor Up (mup), using / Deploying using Meteor Up
- autopublish package
- removing / Removing the autopublish package
- basic templates
- building / Building the basic templates
- bindings
- about / Reactive programming
- Blaze / Writing templates in Meteor
- block helpers
- about / Block helpers
- creating / Block helpers
- blog entries
- callback functions, templates
- created / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- rendered / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- destroyed / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- Chrome's developer tools
- using / Using Chrome's developer tools
- client collection
- versus server collection / Differences between client and server collections
- clinical-nightwatch
- collection
- about / Meteor and databases
- setting up / Setting up a collection
- querying / Querying a collection
- updating / Updating a collection
- command-line tool, Meteor
- about / The full-stack framework of Meteor, Meteor's command-line tool
- command-line tools, Meteor
- run / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- create <name> / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- update / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- deploy <site name> / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- bundle <folder_name> / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- add/remove <package name> / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- list / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- mongo / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- reset / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- logs <site name> / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- search / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- show / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- publish / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- publish-for-arch / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- publish-release / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- claim / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- login / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- logout / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- whoami / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- test-packages / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- admin / List of Meteor's command-line tool commands
- core package
- adding / Adding a core package
- current Web
- versus new Web / Syncing data – the current Web versus the new Web
- custom package
- tests folder / The structure of a package
- lib folder / The structure of a package
- file / The structure of a package
- package.js file / The structure of a package
- myPackage.js file / The structure of a package
- testing / The structure of a package
- creating / Creating our own package
- package metadata, adding / Adding the package metadata
- adding / Adding the package
- releasing, to public / Releasing our package to the public
- publishing online / Publishing our package online
- updating / Updating our package
- data
- displaying, with template helpers / Displaying data with template helpers
- syncing / Syncing data – the current Web versus the new Web
- publishing / Publishing data
- database
- updating / Database everywhere
- database updates
- restricting / Restricting database updates
- insecure package, removing / Removing the insecure package
- allow rule, adding / Adding our first allow rules
- deny rule, adding / Adding a deny rule
- data context
- setting, for template / Setting the data context for a template
- data publishing
- notes / Some notes on data publishing
- default templates
- layoutTemplate / Setting up the router
- notFoundTemplate / Setting up the router
- loadingTemplate / Setting up the router
- demeteorizer
- used, for app deployment on other servers / Deploying using Demeteorizer
- deny rule
- adding / Adding a deny rule
- Deps.Computation object
- about / Stopping reactive functions
- domain-specific language (DSL) / Reactive programming
- events
- adding, to templates / Adding events
- about / Reactive programming
- example posts
- adding / Adding post examples
- {{#each}} block helper / Listing posts
- fetch property
- about / Adding our first allow rules
- findOne() method
- about / Adding the post route
- function
- adding, for generating slugs / Adding a function to generate slugs
- functional test
- Function re-run / Rerunning functions
- functions
- rerunning / Rerunning functions reactively
- Galaxy / Outlook
- Git
- using / Using Git and GitHub
- installing / Installing Git
- GitHub
- using / Using Git and GitHub
- hot code push
- about / Session and hot code pushes
- session object, using with / Session and hot code pushes
- hot code reload
- about / The full-stack framework of Meteor
- insecure package
- removing / Removing the insecure package
- insert() rule
- about / Adding our first allow rules
- integrations test
- about / Types of tests
- adding, to client / Adding integration tests to the client
- test, adding for visitors / Adding a test for the visitors
- test, adding for admin / Adding a test for the admin
- invalidating cycle, reactive dependencies
- about / The invalidating cycle
- iron-router package
- adding / Adding the iron:router package
- {{#if}} block helper / Spacebars syntax
- Jasmine
- used, for testing app / Testing using Jasmine
- Laika
- about / Laika
- installing / Laika
- latency compensation
- about / Method stubs and latency compensation
- layout template
- switching to / Switching to a layout template
- lazy loading
- posts / Lazy loading posts
- about / Lazy loading posts
- less package
- adding / Adding a core package
- Meteor
- about / The full-stack framework of Meteor
- full-stack framework / The full-stack framework of Meteor
- reference link / The full-stack framework of Meteor
- features / The full-stack framework of Meteor
- command-line tool / The full-stack framework of Meteor
- requisites / Meteor's requirements
- installing / Installing Meteor
- variable scopes / Variable scopes
- folder conventions and loading order / Meteor's folder conventions and loading order
- assets, loading / Loading assets on the server
- updating / Updating Meteor
- deploying / Deploying Meteor
- MongoDB, using / Meteor and databases
- accounts packages / Meteor's accounts packages
- Meteor.Collection
- insert method / Setting up a collection
- update method / Setting up a collection
- upsert method / Setting up a collection
- remove method / Setting up a collection
- find method / Setting up a collection
- findOne method / Setting up a collection
- app, deploying on / Deploying on
- Meteor.publish function / Publishing data
- Meteor app
- testing / Testing our meteor app
- Meteor packages
- about / Adding basic packages
- less package / Adding basic packages
- jeeeyul-moment-with-langs / Adding basic packages
- core package, adding / Adding a core package
- third-party package / Adding a third-party package
- Meteor Up (mup)
- about / Deploying using Meteor Up
- used, for app deployment on other servers / Deploying using Meteor Up
- used, for setting up server / Setting up the server
- deploying with / Deploying with mup
- methods
- about / Adding posts using a method call
- advantages / Method stubs and latency compensation
- stub method / Method stubs and latency compensation
- adding / Adding the method
- calling / Calling the method
- MongoDB
- using / Meteor and databases
- {{#myBlockHelper}} helper / Spacebars syntax
- {{/myBlockHelper}} helper / Spacebars syntax
- {{> myTemplate}} helper / Spacebars syntax
- {{myProperty}} helper / Spacebars syntax
- Nightwatch
- about / Nightwatch
- installing / Nightwatch
- package
- about / The structure of a package
- structure / The structure of a package
- packages
- testing / Testing packages
- package tests
- adding / Adding package tests
- running / Running the package tests
- partial data
- publishing / Publishing only parts of data
- persistent-session
- URL / Session and hot code pushes
- poll and diff / Reactive programming
- post route
- setting up / Setting up the post route
- single-post publication, creating / Creating a single-post publication
- adding / Adding the post route
- posts, linking / Linking the posts
- posts
- lazy loading / Lazy loading posts
- creating / Creating a new post
- saving / Saving a post
- editing / Editing posts
- current post, updating / Updating the current post
- adding, method call used / Method stubs and latency compensation
- posts subscription
- moving to Home route / Moving the posts subscription to the Home route
- publication/subscription
- about / Syncing data – the current Web versus the new Web
- reactive computations
- about / Reactive computations
- reactive functions, stopping / Stopping reactive functions
- run, preventing at start / Preventing run at start
- reactive functions
- stopping / Stopping reactive functions
- making template-specific / Using autorun in a template
- reactive object
- about / Building a simple reactive object
- reactive programming
- about / Reactive programming
- invalidating cycle / The invalidating cycle
- reactive session object
- about / The reactive session object
- reactive templates / Writing templates in Meteor
- reactivity
- about / Reactive programming
- remove() rule
- about / Adding our first allow rules
- requisites, Meteor
- about / Meteor's requirements
- Chrome's developer tools / Using Chrome's developer tools
- Git / Using Git and GitHub
- GitHub / Using Git and GitHub
- router
- setting up / Setting up the router
- router controller hooks
- action / The iron:router hooks
- onBeforeAction / The iron:router hooks
- onAfterAction / The iron:router hooks
- onRun / The iron:router hooks
- onRerun / The iron:router hooks
- onStop / The iron:router hooks
- subscriptions / The iron:router hooks
- waitOn / The iron:router hooks
- data / The iron:router hooks
- Running for the xx time / Stopping reactive functions
- Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol
- about / Meteor's accounts packages
- server collection
- versus client collection / Differences between client and server collections
- session object
- about / Meteor's session object
- using, in template helpers / Using sessions in template helpers
- using, with hot code push / Session and hot code pushes
- simple reactive object
- building / Building a simple reactive object
- functions, rerunning / Rerunning functions
- Spacebars
- about / Writing templates in Meteor
- Spacebars syntax
- about / Spacebars syntax
- parent data contexts, accessing / Accessing parent data contexts
- data, passing to helpers / Passing data to helpers
- specific fields
- publishing / Publishing specific fields
- subscriptions
- switching / Switching subscriptions
- template, for editing posts
- creating / Creating the template to edit posts
- template helpers
- data, displaying with / Displaying data with template helpers
- session object, using / Using sessions in template helpers
- templates
- writing / Writing templates in Meteor
- adding / Adding templates and partials
- data context, setting for / Setting the data context for a template
- callback functions / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- events, adding / Adding events
- block helpers / Block helpers
- testing, with Jasmine
- about / Testing using Jasmine
- unit tests, adding to server / Adding unit tests to the server
- integration tests, adding to client / Adding integration tests to the client
- tests
- about / Types of tests
- unit test / Types of tests
- integrations test / Types of tests
- functional test / Types of tests
- acceptance test / Types of tests
- third-party package
- adding / Adding a third-party package
- this.$(selectorString) method / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- this.autorun(runFunc) object / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- object / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- this.find(selectorString) method / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- this.findAll(selectorString) method / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- this.firstNode object / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- this.lastNode object / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- this.view object / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- this in template helpers
- about / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- examples / "this" in template helpers and template callbacks
- this object
- unblock() property / Adding the method
- userId property / Adding the method
- setUserId() property / Adding the method
- connection property / Adding the method
- transform() function
- about / Adding our first allow rules
- {{> Template.dynamic template=templateName [data=dataContext]}} helper / Spacebars syntax
- unit test
- about / Types of tests
- adding, to server / Adding unit tests to the server
- {{#unless}} block helper / Spacebars syntax
- websites title
- changing / Changing the website's title
- {{#with}} block helper
- using / Using the {{#with}} block helper
- about / Spacebars syntax