Routers are components that pick messages from a channel and, depending on a set of pre-defined criteria, deliver them to different channels. Routers never change the message—they only route/reroute messages to the next destination. Spring Integration provides the following built-in routers:
- Payload-type router
- Header value router
- Recipient list router
- XPath router (part of the XML module)
- Error message exception-type router
Payload-type router
As the name suggests, this router will route the message based on the payload data type. For example, we can have a dedicated channel for string, another one for integer and yet another channel for a user-defined payload type. A simple code snippet from our feeds example is as follows:
<int:payload-type-router input-channel="transformedChannel"> <int:mapping type="com.cpandey.siexample.pojo.SoFeed" channel="jdbcChannel" /> <int:mapping type="java.lang.String" channel="jmsChannel...