versus DeclarativeWebScript / DeclarativeWebScript versus AbstractWebScript
web scripts, creating / Creating your first web script in Alfresco
JavaScript API / Understanding what you can do with the JavaScript API
Alfresco explorer Authenticator
about / Alfresco explorer authenticator
Alfresco Maven repository
about / Exploring the Alfresco Maven repository
URL / Exploring the Alfresco Maven repository
Alfresco Maven SDK
environment, setting up / Setting up your environment
Alfresco Maven repository / Exploring the Alfresco Maven repository
Alfresco Maven SDK, prerequisites
JDK 1.7 / Setting up your environment
Apache Maven 3.0.3 / Setting up your environment
Alfresco Share
web script, invoking from / Invoking a web script from Alfresco Share, Invoking a web script from client-side JavaScript, Calling a web script from the command line
Alfresco support team
URL / Applying AMP to the Alfresco WAR for testing
Alfresco WAR
testing, with AMP / Applying AMP to the Alfresco WAR for testing
default project structure, creating / Creating the default project structure for AMP
generating, from default project structure / Generating AMP from the default project
applying, to Alfresco WAR for testing / Applying AMP to the Alfresco WAR for testing
AMP archetype
about / Creating the default project structure for AMP
Apache HTTP components / Apache HTTP components
Apache Maven 3.0.3
URL, for downloading / Setting up your environment
adding, to web scripts / Adding arguments to a web script
specifying, for web scripts / Web script arguments
selecting, for web scripts / Understanding which one to choose
<cache> element
about / <cache>
never value / never
public value / public
mustrevalidate value / mustrevalidate
Chrome webstore link
URL / Advanced REST client for Chrome
client-side JavaScript
web script, invoking from / Invoking a web script from client-side JavaScript
setting up, with Eclipse / Setting up a development environment with Eclipse
development environment, setting up / Setting up a development environment with Eclipse
default project structure, importing to / Setting up a development environment with Eclipse
execution flow, web scripts
about / Execution flow of web scripts
overall execution flow / Overall flow for a web script
technical details / Behind the scenes implementation
explicit arguments
specifying, for web scripts / Explicit arguments
<family> element / <family>
<format> element
about / <format>
argument value / argument
extension value / extension
any value / any
<formdata> element / <formdata>
Facebook Authenticator
about / Facebook Authenticator
Facebook Runtime
about / Facebook Runtime
implementation / Facebook Runtime
filesystem option
using / Deployment options, The filesystem option
about / The filesystem option
Firefox add-ons link
URL / Poster – Firefox add-on
format registry
about / Format registry
customizing / Customizing formats
GET requests
about / HTTP methods supported by a web script
hello world web script
resource bundle, adding / Adding a resource bundle for the hello world web script
HTTP basic Authenticator
about / HTTP basic authenticator
about / HttpClient
used, for invoking web script / Understanding how to invoke a web script using HttpClient
URLConnection / URLConnection
Apache HTTP components / Apache HTTP components
RestTemplate / RestTemplate
HTTP methods
used, for developing web scripts / HTTP methods supported by a web script
GET requests / HTTP methods supported by a web script
POST requests / HTTP methods supported by a web script
PUT requests / HTTP methods supported by a web script
DELETE requests / HTTP methods supported by a web script
considerations / HTTP methods supported by a web script
I18N, web script
about / I18N for a web script – it's optional
resource bundle, adding for hello world web script / Adding a resource bundle for the hello world web script
response template, modifying for labels usage / Modifying the response template to use labels
implicit arguments
specifying, for web scripts / Implicit arguments
Java-backed controller
about / The Java-backed controller
using, considerations / Understanding when to use a Java-backed controller
Java-backed web script
use case scenario / Use case scenario
functionality / Web script functionality at a high level
components, identifying / Getting ready
building blocks / Getting ready
description document, creating / Creating a description document
response template, creating / Creating a response template
deploying / Deploying the web script
registering / Registering the web script
testing / Testing the web script
debugging / Enable logging
disabling / Disabling Java-backed web scripts
Java-based controller / Making web scripts work
URL / URLConnection
Java controller
creating / Creating a Java controller
implementation logic / Controller logic at a high level
coding / Let's code it!
configuring, for web script / Configuring the controller for the web script
Java Development Kit (JDK)
about / Setting up your environment
JavaScript-backed controller
about / The JavaScript-backed controller
using, considerations / Understanding when to use the JavaScript controller
JavaScript-backed web scripts
debugging / Enable logging
JavaScript-based controller / Making web scripts work
JavaScript API, Alfresco
about / Understanding what you can do with the JavaScript API
using / JavaScript APIs in Alfresco
identifying / Identifying JavaScript APIs
accessing, with root objects / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
about / Behind the scenes implementation
URL, downloading / Behind the scenes implementation
JDK 1.7
URL, for downloading / Setting up your environment
JSF page
web script, calling from / Calling a web script from the JSF page
JSF Runtime
about / JSF Runtime
implementation / JSF Runtime
JSR-168 Authenticator
about / JSR-168 Authenticator
with Alfresco Explorer support / JSR-168 Authenticator with Alfresco Explorer support
JSR-168 portals
web script, calling from / Calling a web script from JSR-168 portals and the JSF page, Calling a web script from JSR-168 portals
<lifecycle> element
about / <lifecycle>
none value / none
sample value / sample
draft value / draft
public_api value / public_api
draft_public_api value / draft_public_api
deprecated value / deprecated
internal value / internal
enabling / Enable logging
mandatory declarations, description document
<webscript> tag / The <webscript> tag
<shortname> tag / The <shortname> tag
<url> tag / The <url> tag
Model object / Understanding how web scripts work
MVC, web scripts / MVC in web scripts
mvn -version command
about / Setting up your environment
<negotiate> element / <negotiate>
naming conventions
for web script documents / Naming conventions – the most important thing
optional declarations, description document
<format> element / <format>
<authentication> element / <authentication>
<transaction> element / <transaction>
<family> element / <family>
<cache> element / <cache>
<negotiate> element / <negotiate>
<lifecycle> element / <lifecycle>
<formdata> element / <formdata>
<args> element / <args>
<requests> element / <requests>
<responses> element / <responses>
kind attribute / kind
out-of-the-box web scripts / Presentation web script
pom.xml file
about / Understanding the default project structure
Portlet Runtime
about / Portlet Runtime
implementation / Portlet Runtime
POST requests
about / HTTP methods supported by a web script
Presentation Container
about / Presentation Container
presentation web script / Presentation web script
presentation web script JavaScript controller
web script, calling from / Calling a web script from the presentation web script JavaScript controller
production server
web scripts, executing on / Web scripts on a production server
web scripts, executing in background / Running web scripts in the background
web script logs, logging / Logging web script logs separately
Java-backed web script, disabling / Disabling Java-backed web scripts
Project Object Model (POM)
about / Setting up your environment
PUT requests
about / HTTP methods supported by a web script
<requests> element / <requests>
<responses> element / <responses>
remote debugging
on server / Remote debugging on the server
Repository Container
about / Repository Container
repository option
using / The repository option
about / The repository option
resource bundle
adding, for hello world web script / Adding a resource bundle for the hello world web script
response formats
about / Response formats for a web script
mime type / Response formats supported by the web script framework
specifying, for web scripts / Specifying the response format
specifying, via URL as extension / Specifying the response format via URL – extension on web script ID
specifying, via URL as explicit format argument / Specifying the response format via URL – explicit format argument
specifying, as default format / The default format
considerations / The default format
response template
about / Response templates – yes, they are required!
modifying, for label usage / Modifying the response template to use labels
response template, Java-backed web script
creating / Creating a response template
about / Understanding web scripts
RESTful web service / Understanding web scripts
using / RestTemplate
root objects
using / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
logger / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
utils / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
test / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
actions / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
imap / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
search / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
classification / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
people / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
session / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
avm / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
crossRepoCopy / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
workflow / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
presence / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
activities / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
appUtils / Root objects to access JavaScript APIs
root objects, AbstractRuntimeContainer
server / Other available root objects
atom / Other available root objects
jsonUtils / Other available root objects
stringUtils / Other available root objects
root objects, AbstractWebScript
webscript / Other available root objects
format / Other available root objects
args / Other available root objects
argM / Other available root objects
headers / Other available root objects
headersM / Other available root objects
guest / Other available root objects
url / Other available root objects
msg / Other available root objects
config / Other available root objects
formdata / Other available root objects
requestbody / Other available root objects
json / Other available root objects
root objects, DeclarativeWebScript
model / Other available root objects
status / Other available root objects
cache / Other available root objects
root objects, RepositoryContainer
roothome / Other available root objects
companyhome / Other available root objects
person / Other available root objects
userhome / Other available root objects
root objects, TenantRepositoryContainer
cmis / Other available root objects
paging / Other available root objects
<shortname> tag / The <shortname> tag
ScriptNode API
about / A must-know ScriptNode API
script processor registry
about / Script processor registry
search path
about / Search path
Servlet Runtime
about / Servlet Runtime
implementation / Servlet Runtime
SOAP-based web services
limitations / Reasons to use web scripts
spring based services
web script, calling from / Calling web scripts from Spring-based services
src/main/amp directory
about / Understanding the default project structure
src/main/java directory
about / Understanding the default project structure
src/test directory
about / Understanding the default project structure
standalone Java program
web script, executing from / Executing a web script from standalone Java program
SURF Runtime
about / SURF Runtime
implementation / SURF Runtime
<transaction> element
about / <transaction>
none value / none
required value / required
requiresnew value / requiresnew
configuration, accessing / Accessing configuration in a template
template processor registry
about / Template processor registry
test case, Java-backed web script
mandatory check / Test case 1 – mandatory check
invalid argument value / Test case 2 – invalid argument value
invalid access / Test case 3 – invalid access
valid data / Test case 4 – test with valid data
troubleshooting pointers, web scripts
valid SecureContext error / A valid SecureContext error
Web Script format ** is not registered / Web Script format '' is not registered
Cannot locate template processor for template / Cannot locate template processor for template
Script URL does not support the method / Script URL does not support the method
<url> tag / The <url> tag
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
about / Understanding web scripts
View / Understanding how web scripts work
about / Overall flow for a web script
<webscript> tag / The <webscript> tag
web browser
web script, invoking from / Invoking a web script from a web browser
web browser plugins
used, for web script execution / Executing a web script using web browser plugins
web script
invoking, from web browser / Invoking a web script from a web browser
executing, with web browser plugins / Executing a web script using web browser plugins
executing, from standalone Java program / Executing a web script from standalone Java program
invoking, with HttpClient / Understanding how to invoke a web script using HttpClient
calling, from spring based services / Calling web scripts from Spring-based services
invoking, from Alfresco Share / Invoking a web script from Alfresco Share, Invoking a web script from client-side JavaScript, Calling a web script from the command line
calling, from web script JavaScript controller / Calling a web script from the presentation web script JavaScript controller
invoking, from client-side JavaScript / Invoking a web script from client-side JavaScript
calling, from command line / Calling a web script from the command line
calling, from JSF page / Calling a web script from JSR-168 portals and the JSF page, Calling a web script from the JSF page
calling, from JSR-168 portals / Calling a web script from JSR-168 portals and the JSF page, Calling a web script from JSR-168 portals
Web Script Authenticator
about / Components of the web script framework, Web Script Authenticator