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Moodle Administration Essentials

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Moodle Administration Essentials

Overview of this book

If you are an experienced system administrator and know how to manage servers and set up web environments but now want to explore Moodle, this book is perfect for you. You'll get to grips with the basics and learn to manage Moodle quickly, focusing on essential tasks. Having prior knowledge of virtual learning environments would be beneficial, but is not mandatory to make the most of this book.
Table of Contents (10 chapters)

Editing plugin settings

To edit the settings of a plugin, if they exist:

  1. Go to Administration block by navigating to Site administration | Plugins | Plugins overview, which brings up the Plugins overview page.

  2. Click on Show additional plugins only. This filters the list to only show additional installed plugins.

  3. Click on the Settings link for the relevant plugin, in this case Progress Bar:

  4. Alternatively, you can reach the Progress Bar settings page under Administration | Site administration | Plugins | Blocks | Progress Bar where Blocks is your plugin type and Progress Bar is your plugin name.

  5. You may now edit any of the plugin settings as required. Any default values are also displayed.

  6. Click on Save changes.