Creating the baseline app with generator-angm
We have many options for Yeoman generators; each has its own peculiarities and serves very well for one or more tasks and types of applications.
In the following example, we will continue using the ANGM generator (the same from the previous chapters), which while writing this book has received some updates that will further facilitate the development of modular AngularJS applications.
Getting ready
The first step for the next recipes is to update the generator that we were already using. To do so, open your terminal window and type the following command:
npm install -g generator-angm
You can get more information and learn more about generator-angm on the official site:
Now, let's start to create the baseline itself.
How to do it…
On the terminal window, use the following command:
yo angm
The generator will ask for the application name, so type the following command:
This is the fun part...