Chapter 1. Why Node.js?
Node.js is still relatively new compared to platforms such as .NET and Java, but has become very popular in a short time, and has even started influencing these platforms. This is thanks to its distinctive programming model, extensive ecosystem, and powerful tooling.
These factors make Node.js a compelling alternative to other platforms. They can also make it intimidating. Its distinctive programming model may seem quite alien compared to other platforms. The sheer range of available libraries and tools can be bewildering.
This book will guide you through Node.js so you can start using it in your applications. It will help you to understand Node.js, navigate its ecosystem, and leverage your existing development skills in this new environment.
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
Introducing the Node.js platform
Seeing how its execution model works
Exploring the Node.js ecosystem
Looking at JavaScript as a language choice
Considering the range of use cases for Node.js