Chapter 3. Developing Reusable Packages
Packages are one of the key reasons for MeteorJS' growth. The framework is built in a way to create and use local packages, or use the packages created by other developers from the community. We can also use NPM packages in the application. This adds to the rate at which applications are developed using MeteorJS. As I have mentioned in the previous chapter, atmosphere is where you can find all the packages developed by the community. So, if we have created a package that can benefit others, we can put it in atmosphere.
A package is nothing but a functionality. Accounts-ui
is a package that has the login and signup-related functionality. MomentJS is a famous date manipulation library. It was converted to suit MeteorJS' convention and was released as a package. We have some packages that are existing libraries, which are modified to be a MeteorJS package, and some packages that are written specifically for MeteorJS applications. As I had mentioned before...