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Object-Oriented JavaScript - Third Edition

By : Ved Antani, Stoyan STEFANOV
5 (1)
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Object-Oriented JavaScript - Third Edition

5 (1)
By: Ved Antani, Stoyan STEFANOV

Overview of this book

JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that is used for website development. Web pages developed today currently follow a paradigm that has three clearly distinguishable parts: content (HTML), presentation (CSS), and behavior (JavaScript). JavaScript is one important pillar in this paradigm, and is responsible for the running of the web pages. This book will take your JavaScript skills to a new level of sophistication and get you prepared for your journey through professional web development. Updated for ES6, this book covers everything you will need to unleash the power of object-oriented programming in JavaScript while building professional web applications. The book begins with the basics of object-oriented programming in JavaScript and then gradually progresses to cover functions, objects, and prototypes, and how these concepts can be used to make your programs cleaner, more maintainable, faster, and compatible with other programs/libraries. By the end of the book, you will have learned how to incorporate object-oriented programming in your web development workflow to build professional JavaScript applications.
Table of Contents (25 chapters)
Object-Oriented JavaScript - Third Edition
About the Authors
About the Reviewer
Customer Feedback
Built-in Functions
Regular Expressions


JavaScript modules are not new. In fact, there were have been libraries that support modules for some time now. ES6, however, offers built-in modules. Traditionally, JavaScript's major use was on browsers, where most of the JavaScript code was either embedded or small enough to manage without much trouble. Things have changed. JavaScript projects are now on a massive scale. Without an efficient system of spreading the code into files and directories, managing code becomes a nightmare.

ES6 modules are files. One module per file and one file per module. There is no module keyword. Whatever code you write in the module file is local to the module unless you export it. You may have a bunch of functions in a module, and you want to export only a few of them. You can export module functionality in a couple of ways.

The first way is to use the export keyword. You can export any top-level function, class, var, let, or const.

The following example shows a module inside server.js where we export...