Setting up a Flexbox project
A Flexbox project is structured exactly like a regular one. You just have to be sure to replace the bootstrap.min.css
file in the /css
directory with the new Flexbox version. Copy the project we made in the last chapter and paste it wherever you want on your computer. Rename the project to something like Flexbox project
. Now open up that project and navigate to the /css
directory. In a new window, open up the Flexbox sources files directory and navigate to the /dist/css/
directory. Copy the bootstrap.min.css
file from /dist/css
into the /css
directory in your new Flexbox project
. You'll be prompted to overwrite the file and you should choose Yes. That's it, your new Flexbox project is ready to roll.
It would be a good idea to keep the Flexbox source files somewhere on your computer. In future projects, you can simply copy the compiled Flexbox version of the Bootstrap CSS over, saving you the trouble of having to recompile the source files each time you want a...