Chapter 10. The Way Ahead
This chapter sums up what you learned by reading this book. It refreshes the main tenets of performance and it reminds you that you should always remain pragmatic. We'll recap why you shouldn't optimize just for optimization's sake and why you should always measure the problems and results. This chapter also introduces more advanced and exotic techniques that you may wish to consider learning about if you need more speed or are a serious performance enthusiast.
Topics covered in this chapter include the following:
A summary of previously-covered topics
Platform invoke and native code
Alternative architectures, such as ARM
Advanced hardware (GPUs, FPGAs, ASICs, SSDs, and RAM SANs)
Machine learning and AI
Big data and MapReduce
The Orleans virtual actor model
Custom transport layers
Advanced hashing functions
Library and framework support
The future of .NET Core
We'll reinforce how to assess and solve performance issues by refreshing your memory of the lessons in the previous...