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PHP Reactive Programming

By : Martin Sikora
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PHP Reactive Programming

By: Martin Sikora

Overview of this book

Reactive Programming helps us write code that is concise, clear, and readable. Combining the power of reactive programming and PHP, one of the most widely used languages, will enable you to create web applications more pragmatically. PHP Reactive Programming will teach you the benefits of reactive programming via real-world examples with a hands-on approach. You will create multiple projects showing RxPHP in action alone and in combination with other libraries. The book starts with a brief introduction to reactive programming, clearly explaining the importance of building reactive applications. You will use the RxPHP library, built a reddit CLI using it, and also re-implement the Symfony3 Event Dispatcher with RxPHP. You will learn how to test your RxPHP code by writing unit tests. Moving on to more interesting aspects, you will implement a web socket backend by developing a browser game. You will learn to implement quite complex reactive systems while avoiding pitfalls such as circular dependencies by moving the RxJS logic from the frontend to the backend. The book will then focus on writing extendable RxPHP code by developing a code testing tool and also cover Using RxPHP on both the server and client side of the application. With a concluding chapter on reactive programming practices in other languages, this book will serve as a complete guide for you to start writing reactive applications in PHP.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
PHP Reactive Programming
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Reactive programming

Reactive programming is yet another programming paradigm. It is based around the ability to easily express data flows and the automatic propagation of changes.

Let's explore this in more depth:

  • Data flows (or data streams): In reactive programming, we want to think about variables as "values that change over time". For example, this could be a mouse position, user click or data coming via WebSockets. Basically, any event-based system can be considered a data stream.

  • Propagation of change: A very nice example is a spreadsheet editor. If we set the value of a single cell to A1 = A2 + A3, this means that every change to cells A2 and A3 will be propagated to A1. In programmers' speech, this corresponds to the observer design pattern where A2 and A3 are observables and A1 is an observer. We'll talk about the observer pattern again later in this chapter.

  • Easily express data flows: This is related mostly to libraries we use rather than to the language itself. It means that, if we want to use reactive programming effectively, we need to be able to manipulate data streams easily. This principle also suggests that reactive programming falls under the category of declarative paradigms.

As we can see, the definition is very broad.

The first part about data flows and propagation of change looks like the observer design pattern with iterables. Expressing data flows with ease could be done with functional programming. This all basically describes what we've already seen in this chapter.

The main differences to the observer pattern are how we think and manipulate with data streams. In previous examples, we always worked with arrays as inputs, which are synchronous, while data streams can be both synchronous and asynchronous. From our point of view, it doesn't matter.

Let's see what a typical implementation of the observer pattern might look like in PHP:

// observer_01.php 
class Observable { 
    /** @var Observer[] */ 
    private $observers = []; 
    private $id; 
    static private $total = 0; 
    public function __construct() { 
        $this->id = ++self::$total; 
    public function registerObserver(Observer $observer) { 
        $this->observers[] = $observer; 
    public function notifyObservers() { 
        foreach ($this->observers as $observer) { 
            $observer->notify($this, func_get_args()); 
    public function __toString() { 
        return sprintf('Observable #%d', $this->id); 

In order to be notified about any changes made by the Observable, we need another class called Observer that subscribes to an Observable:

// observer_01.php 
class Observer { 
    static private $total = 0; 
    private $id; 
    public function __construct(Observable $observable) { 
        $this->id = ++self::$total; 
    public function notify($obsr, $args) { 
        $format = "Observer #%d got "%s" from %s\n"; 
        printf($format, $this->id, implode(', ', $args), $obsr); 

Then, a typical usage might look like the following:

$observer1 = new Observer($subject); 
$observer2 = new Observer($subject); 

This example will print two messages to the console:

$ php observer_01.php
// Observer #1 got "test" from Observable #1
// Observer #2 got "test" from Observable #1

This almost follows how we defined the reactive programming paradigm. A data stream is a sequence of events coming from an Observable, and changes are propagated to all listening observers. The last point we mentioned above - being able to easily express data flows - isn't really there. What if we wanted to filter out all events that don't match a particular condition, just like we did in the examples with array_filter() and functional programming? This logic would have to go into each Observer class implementation.

The principles of reactive programming are actually very common in some libraries. We'll have a look at three of them and see how these relate to what we've just learned about reactive and functional programming.

jQuery Promises

Probably every web developer has used jQuery at some point. A very handy way of avoiding so-called callback hell is using Promises when dealing with asynchronous calls. For example, calling jQuery.ajax() returns a Promise object that is resolved or rejected when the AJAX call has finished:

$.get('/foo/bar').done(response => { 
    // ... 
}).fail(response => { 
    // ... 
}).complete(response => { 
    // ... 

A Promise object represents a value in the future. It's non-blocking (asynchronous), but lets us handle it in a declarative approach.

Another useful use case is chaining callbacks, forming a chain, where each callback can modify the value before propagating it further:

// promises_01.js 
function functionReturningAPromise() { 
    var d = $.Deferred(); 
    setTimeout(() => d.resolve(42), 0); 
    return d.promise(); 
    .then(value => value + 1) 
    .then(value => 'result: ' + value) 
    .then(value => console.log(value)); 

In this example, we have a single source which is the functionReturningAPromise() call, and three callbacks where only the last one prints the value that resolved the Promise. We can see that the number 42 was modified twice when going through the chain of callbacks:

$ node promises_01.js 
result: 43


In reactive programming, we'll use a very similar approach to Promises, but while a Promise object is always resolved only once (it carries just one value); data streams can generate multiple or even an infinite number of values.

Gulp streaming build system

The Gulp build system has become the most popular build system in JavaScript. It's completely based on streams and manipulating them. Consider the following example:


This creates a stream of files that match the predicate src/*.js, concats all of them together and finally writes one single file to build/all.min.js. Does this remind you of anything?

This is the same declarative and functional approach we used above, when talking about functional programming in PHP. In particular, this concat() function could be replaced with PHP's array_reduce().

Streams in gulp (aka vinyl-source-stream) can be modified in any way we want. We can, for example, split a stream into two new streams:

var filter = require('gulp-filter'); 
var stream = gulp.src('src/*.js'); 
var substream1 = stream.pipe(filter(['*.min.js'])); 
var substream2 = stream.pipe(filter(['!/app/*'])); 

Or, we can merge two streams and uglify (minify and obfuscate the source code) into one stream:

var merge = require('merge2'); 
merge(gulp.src('src/*.js'), gulp.src('vendor/*')) 

This stream manipulation corresponds very well to the last concept we used to define the reactive programming paradigm - express data flows with ease - while it's both functional and declarative.

EventDispatcher component in PHP

Probably every PHP framework comes with some type of event-driven component to notify various different parts of an application using events.

One such component comes with the Symfony framework out-of-the-box ( ). It's an independent component that allows subscribing and listening to events (the observer pattern).

Event listeners can be later grouped by the events they subscribe to and can also be assigned custom tags, as shown in the following code:

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher; 
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); 
$listener = new AcmeListener(); 
$dispatcher->addListener('event_name', [$listener, 'action']); 

This principle is very similar to Zend\EventManager used in Zend Framework. It is just another variation of the Observable - observer combination.

We'll come back to Symfony EventDispatcher component in  Chapter 4 , Reactive vs a Typical Event-Driven approach, where we'll explore how to apply the reactive programming approach to event-based systems, which should lead to simplification and better-organized code.