Batch layer components and subcomponents
A fundamental feature of any system is that when starting to design a batch layer, we should always try to divide the business logic into meaningful chunks that adhere to the single responsibility principle. Even though, at a high level, there are essentially three steps in a batch application, namely read, process, and write, there are some caveats we need to keep in mind when implementing the business functionality. It will also help understand the subcomponents of the batch layer. Let's talk about them in a bit more detail.
Read/extract component
As you know, this is the first functional component that is part of the batch layer. For every operation/conversion/processing that you to read the data on which the action needs to be performed.
Normalizer component
A conversion component is responsible for taking the data from one type of representation to another type. For example, the processing component of your batch layer might require you to apply...