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Vue.js 2 and Bootstrap 4 Web Development

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Vue.js 2 and Bootstrap 4 Web Development

Overview of this book

In this book, we will build a full stack web application right from scratch up to its deployment. We will start by building a small introduction application and then proceed to the creation of a fully functional, dynamic responsive web application called ProFitOro. In this application, we will build a Pomodoro timer combined with office workouts. Besides the Pomodoro timer and ProFitOro workouts will enable authentication and collaborative content management. We will explore topics such as Vue reactive data binding, reusable components, routing, and Vuex store along with its state, actions, mutations, and getters. We will create Vue applications using both webpack and Nuxt.js templates while exploring cool hot Nuxt.js features such as code splitting and server-side rendering. We will use Jest to test this application, and we will even revive some trigonometry from our secondary school! While developing the app, you will go through the new grid system of Bootstrap 4 along with Vue.js’ directives. We will connect Vuex store to the Firebase real-time database, data storage, and authentication APIs and use this data later inside the application’s reactive components. Finally, we will quickly deploy our application using the Firebase hosting mechanism.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Vue.js 2 and Bootstrap 4 Web Development
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Stating the problem

There are many time-management techniques in the world. Several gurus and professionals have given a great amount of talks on how to effectively manage your time so that you are efficient and all your KPI values are above any possible benchmarks of productivity. Some of these talks are really amazing. When it comes to time-management talks, I always suggest Randy Pausch's talk at

Speaking of time-management techniques, there is one popular technique I particularly like, which I find very simple to use. It's called Pomodoro ( This technique consists of the following principles:

  • You work during a certain period without any interruptions. This period can be 20 to 25 minutes and it's called Pomodoro

  • After the working Pomodoro, you have a 5 minute break. During this break, you can do whatever you want—check e-mails, social networks, and so on

  • After working four Pomodoros with short breaks, you have...