While we were busy defining our router object, router links, code splitting and learning things about the server-side rendering, someone implemented a way of developing Vue.js applications without being worried about all these things at all. Just write your code. All the things like routing, code splitting and even server-side rendering will be handled behind the scenes for you! If you are wondering what the hell it is, let me introduce you to Nuxt.js:
So, what is Nuxt.js?
Nuxt.js is a framework for creating Universal Vue.js Applications.
Its main scope is UI rendering while abstracting away the client/server distribution.
What's so great about it? Nuxt.js introduces the concept of pages – basically, pages are also Vue components, but each one of the pages represents a route. Once you define your components inside the pages
folder they become routes without any additional configuration.
In this chapter, we will totally migrate our ProFitOro to the Nuxt architecture...