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Practical Web Design

By : Philippe Hong
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Practical Web Design

By: Philippe Hong

Overview of this book

Web design is the process of creating websites. It encompasses several different aspects, including webpage layout, content production, and graphic design. This book offers you everything you need to know to build your websites. The book starts off by explaining the importance of web design and the basic design components used in website development. It'll show you insider tips to work quickly and efficiently with web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, concluding with a project on creating a static site with good layout. Once you've got that locked down, we'll get our hands dirty by diving straight into learning JavaScript and JQuery, ending with a project on creating dynamic content for your website. After getting our basic website up and running with the dynamic functionalities you'll move on to building your own responsive websites using more advanced techniques such as Bootstrap. Later you will learn smart ways to add dynamic content, and modern UI techniques such as Adaptive UI and Material Design. This will help you understand important concepts such as server-side rendering and UI components. Finally we take a look at various developer tools to ease your web development process.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Title Page


Modal boxes are generally pop-up windows that appear on the screen rather than opening a new tab/window. They usually darken the background to bring attention to the popup. In short, modal boxes are used to show information to the user on the same page without reloading the page and by that, improving the usability.

Modal boxes found their origins from Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux, but they quickly spread out to web applications and other usages.

There are five common usages when using a modal box:

  • Error: To alert users of an error
  • Warning: To warn users of potentially harmful situations
  • Collect information: To collect information from users
  • Confirm or Prompt: To ask users to confirm an action
  • Helper: To help users when using the interface

Modal boxes are not to be confounded with modeless components such as sidebars, accordion menus, toolbars, and so on, as they allow users to interact with the parent windows.

The following are some examples of Modal boxes:

Modal boxes used when composing a...