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Learning Node.js Development

By : Andrew Mead
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Learning Node.js Development

By: Andrew Mead

Overview of this book

Learning Node.js Development is a practical, project-based book that provides you with all you need to get started as a Node.js developer. Node is a ubiquitous technology on the modern web, and an essential part of any web developers' toolkit. If you are looking to create real-world Node applications, or you want to switch careers or launch a side project to generate some extra income, then you're in the right place. This book has been written around a single goal—turning you into a professional Node developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production applications. Learning Node.js Development is built from the ground up around the latest version of Node.js (version 9.x.x). You'll be learning all the cutting-edge features available only in the latest software versions. This book cuts through the mass of information available around Node and delivers the essential skills that you need to become a Node developer. It takes you through creating complete apps and understanding how to build, deploy, and test your own Node apps. It maps out everything in a comprehensive, easy-to-follow package designed to get you up and running quickly.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Introduction to ES6 promises

Promises aim to solve a lot of the problems that come up when we have a lot of asynchronous code in our application. They make it a lot easier to manage our asynchronous computations—things such as requesting data from a database. Alternatively, in the case of a weather app, things such as fetching data from a URL.

In the app.js file we do a similar thing using callbacks:

const yargs = require('yargs');

const geocode = require('./geocode/geocode');
const weather = require('./weather/weather');

const argv = yargs
a: {
demand: true,
alias: 'address',
describe: 'Address to fetch weather for',
string: true
.alias('help', 'h')

geocode.geocodeAddress(argv.address, (errorMessage, results) => {
if (errorMessage) {