Running generated tests
Good software development is never complete without good testing. JHipster generates quite a lot of automated tests out of the box, and there are options to choose even more. Let's run the generated server side and client side tests for the application to make sure everything is working as expected.
First, open a terminal/command line and navigate to the project folder.
Server-side tests
The server-side integration tests and unit tests are present in the src/test/java
These can be run directly from the IDE by choosing a package or individual test and running it, or via the command line by running a Gradle test
task. Let's run it using the command line. In a new terminal, navigate to the application source folder and execute the following command. It should finish with a success message, as shown here:
> ./gradlew test
8 actionable tasks: 6 executed, 2 up-to-date
Client-side tests
The client-side unit tests and end-to-end tests are available...