The UX strategy
Let me start this part of the chapter with a real-life story. Almost 10 years ago, I joined a company that was working on creating a new mobile application. The idea behind that product belonged to the company's owner. He'd been facing a problem for a long time and had found a way to solve it. He wanted to try to help other people with the same problem through this application. He was so enthusiastic about his idea and was sure that people would need his mobile application and would love using it.
By the time I joined, the product was almost finished and the owner had spent a lot of time and money developing the product. The only things remaining were some enhancements on design and working on the marketing campaign. After the product went live, nobody was actually interested in his product and those who tried it only did so for a short period of time before they deleted the app. So, in other words, nobody was interested in his service and application.
The difficulty was that...