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Node.js Web Development - Fourth Edition

By : David Herron
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Node.js Web Development - Fourth Edition

By: David Herron

Overview of this book

Node.js is a server-side JavaScript platform using an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model allowing users to build fast and scalable data-intensive applications running in real time. This book gives you an excellent starting point, bringing you straight to the heart of developing web applications with Node.js. You will progress from a rudimentary knowledge of JavaScript and server-side development to being able to create, maintain, deploy and test your own Node.js application.You will understand the importance of transitioning to functions that return Promise objects, and the difference between fs, fs/promises and fs-extra. With this book you'll learn how to use the HTTP Server and Client objects, data storage with both SQL and MongoDB databases, real-time applications with Socket.IO, mobile-first theming with Bootstrap, microservice deployment with Docker, authenticating against third-party services using OAuth, and use some well known tools to beef up security of Express 4.16 applications.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

Using the ES6 module format

We wrote the Notes application using CommonJS modules, the traditional Node.js module format. While the application could continue using that format, the JavaScript community has chosen to switch to ES6 modules in both browser and Node.js code, and therefore it's important to switch ES6 modules so we can all get on board with a common module format. Let's rewrite the application using ES6 modules, and then write ES6 modules for anything new we add.

The changes required are large to replace require statements with import statements, and renaming files from foo.js to foo.mjs. Let's get started.

Rewriting app.js as an ES6 module

Let's start with app.js, changing its name to app.mjs:

$ mv app.js app.mjs

Change the block of require statements at the top to the following:

import util from 'util';