Remote-controlled ship requirements
We'll work on a variation of a well-known kata called Mars Rover, originally published in Dallas Hack Club (
Imagine that a naval ship is placed somewhere on Earth's seas. Since this is the 21st century, we can control that ship remotely.
Our job will be to create a program that can move the ship around the seas.
Since this is a TDD book and the subject of this chapter is unit tests, we'll develop an application using a TDD approach with the focus on unit tests. In the previous chapter, Chapter 3, Red-Green-Refactor – From Failure Through Success until Perfection, you learned the theory and had practical experience with the Red-Green-Refactor procedure. We'll build on top of that and try to learn how to employ unit testing effectively. Specifically, we'll try to concentrate on a unit we're developing and learn how to isolate and ignore dependencies that a unit might use. Not only that, but we'll try to concentrate on...