- action filters / Filters
- application layer
- creating / Creating the Application Layer
- Application Services / Adding the Registration Feature
- about / Adding the Registration Feature
- about / Introduction to ASP.NET
- for .NET Framework / Introduction to ASP.NET
- first project, creating / Creating Your First Application
- first application, creating / Creating Your First Application
- ASP.NET Core / Introduction to ASP.NET
- ASP.NET Core application
- creating / Creating an ASP.NET Core Application
- ASP.NET Core NuGet package
- installing, in application / Installing the ASP.NET Core NuGet Package in Your Application
- installing, step by step / Installing the ASP.NET Core NuGet Package in Your Application
- about / ASP.NET MVC
- Model-View-Controller pattern / The Model-View-Controller Pattern
- File-Based Project / A File-Based Project
- URL / Introduction to Routing
- ASP.NET MVC application
- controller, role / Role of the Controller in ASP.NET MVC Applications
- data flow / Data Flow with Respect to a Model
- attribute, implementing IActionConstraintFactory
- attribute-based routing
- about / Attribute-Based Routing
- exploring / Working on an Example of Attribute-Based Routing
- example / Working on an Example of Attribute-Based Routing
- authorization filters / Filters
- Bower / A File-Based Project
- checkbox
- client-side validation
- about / Client-Side and Server-Side Validation, Client-Side Validation
- performing / Performing Client-Side Validation
- new validation rule, adding to JavaScript function / Activity: Adding a New Validation Rule to a JavaScript Function
- client side, web application / Client Side and Server Side
- ContentResult / IActionResult
- controller
- about / Role of the Controller in ASP.NET MVC Applications
- ideal data flow, for layered web application / Ideal Flow of Data for a Layered Web Application
- creating / Our First Controller
- IActionResult / IActionResult
- custom IActionResult, implementing / Activity: Implementing Your Own IActionResult
- controllers
- defining / Defining our Controllers
- convention-based routing
- about / Convention-Based Routing
- examples / Convention-Based Routing
- custom filter
- writing / Activity: Writing a Custom Filter
- custom IActionResult
- implementing / Activity: Implementing Your Own IActionResult
- custom Tag Helpers
- about / Custom Tag Helpers
- creating / Creating a Custom Tag Helper
- data
- passing, from controller to view / Passing Data from the Controller to the View
- email Tag Helper
- replacing / Activity: Replacing Email Tag Helpers
- EmptyResult / IActionResult
- EULA agreement
- adding / Activity: Adding a EULA Agreement
- exception filters / Filters
- FileResult / IActionResult
- filters
- foreach loop construct code
- writing / Programming Constructs in the Razor View
- GET method / The GET Method
- generating / Generating HTML
- generating, with simple form / Generating HTML using a Simple Form
- HTML helpers
- about / Generating HTML, HTML Helpers
- used, for generating form / Generating a form using HTML Helpers
- HTTP methods
- about / Working with HTTP Methods, Other Methods
- GET method / The GET Method
- POST method / The POST Method
- HTTP verbs, aspects / List of Important Methods
- CONNECT / Other Methods
- TRACE / Other Methods
- OPTIONS / Other Methods
- HTTP protocol
- about / What is the HTTP Protocol?
- advantages / Advantages to HTTP
- HttpStatusCodeResult / IActionResult
- HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) / What is the HTTP Protocol?
- IActionResult
- about / IActionResult
- Infrastructure project
- implementations, performing / Performing Implementations in the Infrastructure Project
- IntelliSense
- Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) / What is the HTTP Protocol?
- Internet Information Service (IIS) / Deploying RestBuy to Azure
- JavaScriptResult / IActionResult
- JSonResult / IActionResult
- layered web application
- data flow / Ideal Flow of Data for a Layered Web Application
- layout
- building / Building our First Layout
- _ViewStart.cshtml, creating / Creating _ViewStart.cshtml
- _Layout.cshtml, creating / Creating _Layout.cshtml
- page-specific view, adding / Adding a Page-Specific View
- creating / Activity: Creating Another Layout and Changing the View to That Layout
- view, changing to / Activity: Creating Another Layout and Changing the View to That Layout
- MapRoute method
- name / Convention-Based Routing
- template / Convention-Based Routing
- Microsoft Azure
- signing up / Signing up to Microsoft Azure
- URL / Signing up to Microsoft Azure
- prerequisites / Prerequisites to Azure Deployment
- Model-View-Controller pattern / How Web Applications Work, The Model-View-Controller Pattern
- models
- adding / Adding Models
- about / Introduction to Models
- ASP.NET Core application, creating / Creating an ASP.NET Core Application
- specific, to view component / Models Specific to a View Component
- ViewModels / ViewModels
- data flow / Data Flow with Respect to a Model
- code revising, for displaying discount in total / Activity: Revising the Code to Show Discount in the Total
- npm (Node Package Manager) / A File-Based Project
- NuGet package
- installing, step by step / Installing the ASP.NET Core NuGet Package in Your Application
- partial view
- about / Partial View
- simple static content, adding in generating partial view / Partial View
- calling / Calling a Partial View
- static data, working with / Activity: Working with Static Data
- POCO (Plain Old C# Object) / Generating a form using HTML Helpers, Introduction to Models
- POST method / The POST Method
- project, upgrading to Bootstrap 4
- about / Upgrading Our Project to Bootstrap 4
- EULA agreement, adding / Activity: Adding a EULA Agreement
- Razor Pages / Introduction to ASP.NET
- Razor view
- example / Working with Razor View
- working with / Working with Razor View
- programming constructs / Programming Constructs in the Razor View
- for loop / Programming Constructs in the Razor View
- for loop construct code, writing / Programming Constructs in the Razor View
- while loop / Programming Constructs in the Razor View
- while loop construct code, writing / Programming Constructs in the Razor View
- foreach loop / Programming Constructs in the Razor View
- if condition / Programming Constructs in the Razor View
- code, writing for if condition / Programming Constructs in the Razor View
- Razor view engine
- about / The Razor View Engine
- programming / Programming in the Razor View Engine
- variables / Variables in the Razor View
- RedirectResult / IActionResult
- RedirectToRouteResult / IActionResult
- registration feature
- adding / Adding the Registration Feature
- Sign In and Sign Out mechanism / Sign In and Sign Out Mechanism
- application layer / Creating the Application Layer
- implementations, performing in Infrastructure project / Performing Implementations in the Infrastructure Project
- ViewModel, defining / Defining our ViewModel for Registration
- controllers, defining / Defining our Controllers
- post-registration landing page, creating / Creating the Post-Registration Landing Page
- query, creating for registration service / Creating a Query for the Registration Service
- registration, validating / Validating the Registration
- Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) / Programming Styles – RPC versus REST
- request-response pattern
- about / Request-Response Pattern
- simple example used / Work with the Statelessness and the Request-Response Pattern
- working with / Activity: Working with the Request-Response Pattern
- resource filters / Filters
- REST (Representational State Transfer) / Programming Styles – RPC versus REST
- Rest Buy
- designing / Designing Rest Buy
- stories / Features and Stories
- features / Features and Stories
- RestBuy, deploying to Azure
- about / Deploying RestBuy to Azure, Deploying Rest Buy to Azure
- Microsoft Azure, signing up / Signing up to Microsoft Azure
- prerequisites, to Azure deployment / Prerequisites to Azure Deployment
- result filters / Filters
- route attribute, at controller level
- about / Route Attribute at the Controller Level
- token replacement, in route templates / Token Replacement in Route Templates
- route templates beginning with /, combining / Activity: Combining Route Templates that Begin with /
- routing values, passing in HTTP action verds / Passing Routing Values in HTTP Action Verbs in the Controller
- two actions, defining with same name with different verbs / Activity: Defining Two Actions with the Same Name with Different Verbs
- Route Constraints
- about / Route Constraints
- routing
- about / Introduction to Routing
- correct method invoked, searching for URL / Activity: Finding the Correct Method Invoked for a URL
- convention-based routing / Convention-Based Routing
- attribute-based routing / Attribute-Based Routing
- server-side validation
- about / Client-Side and Server-Side Validation, Server-Side Validation
- ViewModels, updating with Data Annotation attribute / Updating ViewModels with the Data Annotation Attribute
- ViewModel, updating for displaying validation error message / Updating the ViewModel to Display the Validation Error Message
- controller action method, updating for model state verification / Updating the Controller Action Method to Verify the Model State
- new validation rule, adding for designation / Activity: Adding a New Validation Rule for Designation
- server side, web application / Client Side and Server Side
- Sign In and Sign Out mechanism
- working with / Sign In and Sign Out Mechanism
- SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) / Programming Styles – RPC versus REST
- statelessness
- working with / Work with the Statelessness and the Request-Response Pattern
- symmetric key / How Web Applications Work
- Tag Helpers
- about / Generating HTML, Tag Helpers
- custom Tag Helpers / Custom Tag Helpers
- email Tag Helper, replacing / Activity: Replacing Email Tag Helpers
- unit test
- creating / Creating a Unit Test
- writing / Writing a Unit Test
- running / Running the Unit Test
- writing, for deletion / Activity: Writing a Unit Test for Deletion
- validation
- about / Introduction to Validation
- server-side validation / Client-Side and Server-Side Validation
- client-side validation / Client-Side and Server-Side Validation, Client-Side Validation
- view component
- about / View Components
- creating / Creating a View Component
- ViewComponent attribute, creating / Creating a ViewComponent Attribute
- string, passing as additional data / Activity: Passing a String as Additional Data
- view engine
- ViewModel
- about / ViewModels
- defining / Defining our ViewModel for Registration
- views
- adding / Adding Views
- writing, for printing prime numbers from 1 to 100 / Activity: Printing Prime Numbers from 1 to 100
- layout / Layout
- checkbox, using / Activity: Making Use of a Checkbox
- web application
- about / Introduction to Web Applications
- working / How Web Applications Work
- HTTP Protocol / What is the HTTP Protocol?
- HTTP/2's Edge over HTTP/1.x /
- request-response pattern / Request-Response Pattern
- statelessness, working with / Work with the Statelessness and the Request-Response Pattern
- request-response pattern, example used / Work with the Statelessness and the Request-Response Pattern
- server side / Client Side and Server Side
- client side / Client Side and Server Side
- RPC, versus REST / Programming Styles – RPC versus REST
- request-response pattern, working with / Activity: Working with the Request-Response Pattern
- web applications
- HTTP, stateless nature / Stateless Nature of HTTP
- while loop construct code
- writing / Programming Constructs in the Razor View
- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) / What is the HTTP Protocol?