Moodle design overview
We will first provide you with an overview of generic design options in Moodle environments. There are numerous ways to customize the appearance of your Moodle site so that it blends in with your company's corporate brand. These boil down to two categories:
- Appearance configuration options: There are a plethora of settings in standard Moodle that impact the learner's user experience—for instance, items to be displayed in the user menu or content being shown on the dashboard. The majority of these settings can be found under the Appearance tab of the Site administration menu. In this chapter, we will only focus on Workplace-specific appearance configuration options.
- Themes and related settings: Moodle themes provide a skin to completely change the look and feel of your site. The same mechanism, of course, also applies to Moodle Workplace. The main difference is that standard Moodle ships with two themes—Boost and Classic—...