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Accelerating Server-Side Development with Fastify

By : Manuel Spigolon, Maksim Sinik, Matteo Collina
4.5 (2)
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Accelerating Server-Side Development with Fastify

4.5 (2)
By: Manuel Spigolon, Maksim Sinik, Matteo Collina

Overview of this book

This book is a complete guide to server-side app development in Fastify, written by the core contributors of this highly performant plugin-based web framework. Throughout the book, you’ll discover how it fosters code reuse, thereby improving your time to market. Starting with an introduction to Fastify’s fundamental concepts, this guide will lead you through the development of a real-world project while providing in-depth explanations of advanced topics to prepare you to build highly maintainable and scalable backend applications. The book offers comprehensive guidance on how to design, develop, and deploy RESTful applications, including detailed instructions for building reusable components that can be leveraged across multiple projects. The book presents guidelines for creating efficient, reliable, and easy-to-maintain real-world applications. It also offers practical advice on best practices, design patterns, and how to avoid common pitfalls encountered by developers while building backend applications. By following these guidelines and recommendations, you’ll be able to confidently design, implement, deploy, and maintain an application written in Fastify, and develop plugins and APIs to contribute to the Fastify and open source communities.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
Part 1:Fastify Basics
Part 2:Build a Real-World Project
Part 3:Advanced Topics

Meaningful Application Logging

A piece of software does not speak to us. Sometimes we would like our application to explain what is going on and why something is not working as expected. For this reason, it is essential to teach the application how to talk to us through logs.

In this chapter, we will see how to implement meaningful application logs to help us understand what is going on in our software. It is vital to monitor that everything is working as expected, as well as to keep track of what has gone wrong.

You will learn how to set up the perfect logging configuration without losing essential information. Moreover, you will discover how to avoid logging sensible data and print out only what you need.

The learning path we will cover in this chapter is as follows:

  • How to use Fastify’s logger
  • Enhancing the default logger
  • Collecting the logs
  • Managing distributed logs