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React Application Architecture for Production

By : Alan Alickovic
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React Application Architecture for Production

By: Alan Alickovic

Overview of this book

Building large-scale applications in production can be overwhelming with the amount of tooling choices and lack of cohesive resources. To address these challenges, this hands-on guide covers best practices and web application development examples to help you build enterprise-ready applications with React in no time. Throughout the book, you’ll work through a real-life practical example that demonstrates all the concepts covered. You’ll learn to build modern frontend applications—built from scratch and ready for production. Starting with an overview of the React ecosystem, the book will guide you in identifying the tools available to solve complex development challenges. You’ll then advance to building APIs, components, and pages to form a complete frontend app. The book will also share best practices for testing, securing, and packaging your app in a structured way before finally deploying your app with scalability in mind. By the end of the book, you’ll be able to efficiently build production-ready applications by following industry practices and expert tips.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Pre-committing checks setup overview

Having static code analysis tools such as TypeScript, ESLint, and Prettier is great; we have configured them and can run individual scripts whenever we make some changes to ensure everything is in the best order.

However, there are some drawbacks. Developers can forget to run all checks before committing to the repo, which can still bring problematic and inconsistent code to production.

Fortunately, there is a solution that can fix this problem: whenever we try to commit to the repository, we want to run all checks in an automated way.

This is the flow we want to have:

Figure 2.1 – Pre-commit code checking diagram

Figure 2.1 – Pre-commit code checking diagram

As we can see, whenever we attempt to commit to the repository, the git pre-commit hook will run and execute the scripts that will do the checking. If all the checks pass, the changes will be committed to the repository; otherwise, we will have to fix the issues and try again.

To enable this flow, we will use husky and lint-staged:

  • husky is a tool that allows us to run git hooks. We want to run the pre-commit hook to run the checks before committing our changes.
  • lint-staged is a tool that allows us to run those checks only on files that are in the staging area of Git. This improves the speed of code checking since doing that on the entire code base might be too slow.

We already have these tools installed and configured, but if we didn’t, they could be installed using the following command:

npm install –-save-dev husky lint-staged

Then, we would need to enable Git hooks:

npx husky install

Then, we would need to create the pre-commit hook:

npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx lint-staged"

The Husky pre-commit hook will run lint-staged. Then, we would need to define what commands lint-staged should run inside the lint-staged.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  '*.{ts,tsx}': [
    'npm run lint',
    "bash -c 'npm run types:check'",
    'npm run format:check',

If we try to commit code that contains any violations, it will fail and stop us from committing the changes.

Now that we covered most of our setup, let’s look at the structure of our project.